Homework submission given by sir - pelon53 on hashgraph

in hive-108451 •  3 years ago 

Hey everyone ! Here is my post based on hashgraph and which was given by professor @pelon53. I had learn many things while making this post and I am pleased that I am able to make this post . Here it is.

Q1. Explain in detail the Gossip protocol, used in Hashgraph.

Ans- Gossip protocol is the protocol which is basically is worked on peer to peer system . Peer to peer means It is a computer based system which connect to other server through internet and transfer data through one central server to other all the network .

Hashgraph used gossip protocol to share data between nodes. gossip protocol is basically means if we share data to one server it share the information between all the nodes.

Hashgraph records all the transaction history and communication of the members . This increases noticeably over time to time and events are created . All members who worked on hasgraph will keep a copy and continuous to update as member are in sync which with each other. So, how the gossip protocol are used in hashgraph .

Q2. Explain Byzantine Fault Tolerance in Hashgraph.

Ans- The hashgraph is Byzantine fault tolerance (BFT) this word is a technical term means that no particular nodes can prevent the network while they reaching a consensus. consensus basically means the agreement between the people and if the agreement is made no nodes can prevent and no one can make any changes when it has been already reached.

This benefit we didn't get in blockchain platform platform does not give a guarantee but in hashgraph nodes will definitely reach the consensus . In blockchain no nodes can reached to the final agreement .

There are very different form of BFT which assumption are based on network and transmission of message . Some system of BFT is asynchronous BFT and some are partially asynchronous BFT.

Q3. Make a comparison between Hashgraph Vs Blockchain, for a voting process in your country. Which technology would you choose? Why?

Ans- I did a comparison between hashgraph vs blockchain are-

Base of differenceHashgraphBlockchain
1.ApproachHashgraph store the data and information in a cyclic graph and it has a copy of ledger each node that makes it decentralized.Blockchain store the data in a linear way and store it in blocks.
2.Consensus algorithmHashgraph is in the form of gaining network causes which is based on virtual voting. It itself a consensus algorithm . It have lot of final detail.Blockchain depends on cryptocurrency and on their platform. There are many consensus algorithm which are used in blockchain. One of the most popular blockchain is NEO.
3.SecurityHashgraph exploit asynchronous Byzantine fault tolerance to protect the network from hackers and give a security and its approach make that no no bad actor can interfere in the network.Blockchain has different approach than hashgraph blockchain approach worked on cryptographic method to ascertain the security for store the data and transmission of network.
4.FairnessHashgraph fairness is different . No individual can affect while working on transaction order . As fairness concept still not explained adequately in hashgraph white paper.Blockchain fairness has less as compared to hashgraph. when minus or users come to work it has to select orders and wants to do further process may the transaction will stop. It is not fair to any people directly or indirectly will connect with the network.
5.SpeedHashgraph has a speed to do 50000 transaction per second. The reason behind of its speed is hashgraph gossip .On the other hand Blockchain speeds depend on cryptocurrency and platform as it is slower than hashgraph . If we see bitcoin, Ethereum etc it has a speed of 100 to 10000 transaction per second based on their platform.
6.EfficiencyHashgraph , is more efficient than blockchain due to its approach. Its approach is different from blockchain so that its approach make more efficient.On the other hand Blockchain speeds depend on cryptocurrency and platform as it is slower than hashgraph . If we see bitcoin, Ethereum etc it has a speed of 100 to 10000 transaction per second based on their platform.

From the above comparison of hashgraph and blockchain i can conclude that hashgraph has more efficient , secure and its fairness of working is very different from blockchain .

By comparison it is clearly that hashgraph is more powerful than blockchain so I would choose hashgraph for my country . Because it is more efficient than blockchain and if we did transaction in hashgraph it doesn't take time to do transaction .

Q4. Explore Inherit Hashgraph link show screenshots.

Ans- Hedera hashgraph is a leger technology which has a distributed concensus in the new form . It is also decentralised like Blockchain . It's technology provide works very fast , secure and a good platform to run this application .


Hasegraph network based on two services one is Token service which is configure of token and accounts and the other one is consensus service which is ordering if events.


Hedera hashgraph provide tools which has its documents and Hedera SDK and have resources which provides integration , estimate the cost of transaction . It has open source and learning center .


Hedera use case based on payment , manage the assets , protect us from fraud , it provides Identity to maintain the lifestyle of sanctions. It is publicly verified and create a private ledger account. You can choose hedera for healthcare and built a fair games .


In inherit hashgraph , we can create account instantly in hedera . It provides wallet and exchanges and description about hedera Cryptocurrency .


Hedera government council have 39 terms which includes many enterprises and diversified organisation and have 11 unique sector . It work on decentralisation and bring stability.


About- hedera hashgraph has its team , journey ,media , press , roadmap , new block , user group , career and papers .


So, here is my post .
Thank you!

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