Steemit Crypto Academy Feedback by @steemdoctor1

in hive-108451 •  3 years ago 

Hello everybody.

Hopefully, all of you will be good and happy and enjoying your good health with the grace and blessings of Almighty Allah. As we all know that the Season 5 of the Steemit Crypto Academy has ended with a delightful end and the academy is off for 2 weeks so that the team can manage the arrangements for the next Season 6.

First of all, I would like to thank @steemitblog for providing us with an amazing opportunity to give our feedback to the team. I have been a regular student of the academy from the end of season 3. After that, I also took part in the academy in Season 4 and Season 5 complete. Moreover, I also have completed nine introductory courses out of 10. So, here is my feedback and reviews about the academy so far.


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What worked well with the Academy

  • First of all, I want to congratulate the whole Steemit team and management for such an amazing and informative circumstance in the form of Steemit Crypto Academy. This community is one of the most positive working and the most successful communities on the blockchain. This is also a very high achievement of the Steemit Team that the academy has successfully completed 5 seasons and now they are managing to continue with season 6.

  • SteemitCryptoAcademy community provides a platform to crypto lovers and crypto learners. It has been seen that there are many people that are aware of crypto trading and are also willing to trade cryptos but they are unable to find out a perfect guide that can help them to get profit by trading. Fortunately, our community provides such a circumstance that the crypto traders can seek guidance by taking part in the homework posts and learning from the professors' lectures.

  • In fact, I am very much impressed by the professors that are teaching us by making the lecture posts. They convey the knowledge of crypto trading, gaming, blockchain technology, networks, DeFi, and many more. All of these things are really helpful for all of us. It is not wrong to say that all of the professors are working with complete passion and all of them are crypto experts enough to be called Crypto Masters. I think that professors are the main reason behind the success of this academy.

  • The assignments that are given by the professors are a full book of knowledge and information. The students can utilize this information in their trading journey to get remarkable profits. Moreover, the whole system of the academy is very good. The overall progress of all the professors and the team is very well. Another thing that I liked about this academy is that it also rewards its students, as well as, provides knowledge about crypto. This is an amazing thing of the academy that we can make fun of by earning money and also enhance our knowledge by making homework posts.

  • The reward system of the crypto academy is also much better than all the other communities. In other communities, our votes are not guaranteed and we sometimes, are not rewarded although we made quality content. But in the academy, our every post is rewarded and our efforts bore fruits, only the condition is that we must cooperate with all the requirements of the academy and work positively.

  • Moreover, we are timely informed whenever a new announcement is made on the platform. This is also another positive aspect of the academy. So, these are some things that I like very much in the academy.

  • Another impressive factor is the levels system of the academy. The academy is now divided into three tiers that are Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced levels. This is a beautiful step by the team as the student of every mental level can join and learn in the academy. When a student spends time at a particular level, he becomes able to understand the knowledge that is conveyed at that level. This is well.


What did not work well?

The academy is working very well but still, there are some shortcomings that could be improved to make the academy more accurate and profitable. Let me make clear that all the given points are totally based on my own experience and impression of the academy. Anyone has the right to prove me wrong,

  • The first thing is that there should be a little flexibility in the requirements of the academy. I mean, the eligibility criteria of the academy could be a bit loose to attract more and more people to the academy. Suppose, the requirement of SP for the ten introductory courses should be lowered to solve the eligibility difficulty for the new users. The new users could be able to join the academy with low requirements of SP.

  • Too many requirements of the academy like club5050, 150 SP power-up, repo requirements, and SP demands are also disturbing factors for many of the students. I know that all of the students cannot afford the club5050 status and thus they are not eligible to take part in the academy. It has also been seen that our kind professor @sapwood also gets no vote on the lectures he made due to the fact that he could not go through with the club5050 because of some financial problem. This thing is really disturbed.

  • Another problem that is also a very disturbing factor for many of the students is the Language Issue. There should be a single language that is allowed in the academy. There are many professors who made lecture post in their native language and when we translate the post, many of the meanings change. This is really a big problem for many students. Only English language should be allowed in the academy so that all of the students can understand the lecture and make quality homework posts.

  • Another problem that is also found in the academy is that Plagiarized Content is still running in the academy. There are many plagiarists that are taking refuge in the academy and several times professors ignore these plagiarists. In this way, the quality of content within the academy is still in danger. All the professors must take strict action against plagiarized content.

  • Unfortunately, it is also seen that in many cases, many of the professors promote and support the students of their own country or area. There are many such cases when professors choose their countrymen in the top 3 writers and ignore the others securing the same marks. It is really a discouraging moment for those students who work hard and secure good scores but lose to gain position in the top three just because of the Favoritism of the professors. Sorry to say, this thing must be stopped and merit must be the counterpart while marking the posts and making summary posts.

  • Additionally, it is also important to notice that the organization of the knowledge that is provided at different levels still needs improvement. No doubt that the academy is full of pure and profitable knowledge but the method to manage this ocean of knowledge need improvement.

  • It is also a problem that the students of the advanced level also take part in the beginner and intermediate level courses. Definitely, they can make good homework as compared to the student of that level. Mostly, the advanced students are selected as top writers at all levels. This thing discourages the new students to enjoy the taste of weekly top ones.

  • The length of the homework post is also a very big issue for most of the students. Sometimes, the professors assign more than ten questions and thus the students find difficulty in completing the task within the given time. Moreover, some professors demand real trades in the tasks and the students feel difficulty in this way. I think, instead of real trades, the demo trades should be demanded.

  • It is also the main issue that most of the students could not get proper and suitable answers for their questions. Sometimes, the professors reply to the questions very late, thus, many times the students found difficulty in managing the time to complete the assignment.

So, these are some problems that could be improved for the success of the academy.


How you would improve the Academy? What changes would you make for future seasons of the Academy?

If I would be given a chance to make changes in the academy to improve the status of the academy then I would make the following changes.

  • First of all, I would remove the club5050 as a compulsory subject to take part in the academy courses. I am not against club5050 but it should be considered for the additional support/reward. The members of club5050 should get an additional vote and the members that are not keeping up with club5050 can also take part in the academy and get rewards, but less than those who are keeping up club5050. Similarly, the members of club75 and club100 should get more extra rewards.

  • The organization of the knowledge that is conveyed in the academy would be improved. It would be done by polishing the student of beginner level in such a way that they could be able to take part in the next level courses and they should know the basics of crypto.

  • The top 3 posts of each level should contain the students of that level. I mean, the qualification of the advanced level students should be restricted in the top 3 posts of the beginner level.

  • Another change that I would make is that I would mute the plagiarists from the academy for the respective season, not for the whole life. In this way, they must be aware in next season and the quality of the content will also improve.

  • The requirement of a reputation for the advanced level courses should be lessened. The requirement should be 61 instead of 65 so that more and more students can enjoy the taste of advanced level also.

  • I would create a good interaction between the professors and students. The professors should pride their personal social media accounts so that the students could get timely and more clear answers for their confusion.

  • The number of weeks of a season should be increased from 8 to almost 12 to 10 so that the students can learn more from more homework. In this way, the student can attach to the learning ecosystem for a long time.

  • The reward system of all the levels must be enhanced. It has been seen that many people get good rewards by making dairy games, photographs, and other content outside the academy, and in this way, the efforts of the Crypto Students are not encouraged properly. SC01 should also collaborate with SC02 in the advanced level posts to reward the users with good votes.

  • I would hire more professors at each level to increase the number of posts per week in each level. There should be three posts per week at each level. Moreover, the burden of marking the homework will also reduce on a single professor. This act will also solve another problem that the posts of some students expire because these posts are graded on the last day and the curator could not find time to curate them. In short, the reposting of non-curated posts in the academy should be reduced.


What did you think of the marking scheme for Academy posts?

The grading scheme of the homework that is posted in the academy is quite well. The more grades a student gets, the more chances for him to be selected in the top three writers of the week. But the grading system of the professors also needs some improvements, in my opinion.

There are many professors that grade the posts on various parameters. Some of the grade the posts on the basis of the questions that they have assigned to the students. For such professors, the value of each question should be mentioned in the lecture post so that the student could realize the real worth of each question and go deep into the question according to the requirement.

The parameters that are considered to grade the posts must be the same for all the professors. All the professors should grade the homework in the same parameters. For example, Originality, Presentation Style, Quality of Content, Depth and concepts, Research Work, Practical Approach, etc. The parameters that are confirmed by the team should be considered by all the professors while grading the posts.

I have also discussed before that for timely and accurate grading of the homework, more professors should be added. This will increase the quality of grading in the academy.


What you enjoyed most, and what you learned from the Academy?

As I have told you before that the Steemit Crypto Academy is a place that provides a center or platform to crypto lovers and traders. I learned many things from this academy. The first thing that I gained from the academy is knowledge of cryptocurrencies. I do not feel any shame to share that I did not know anything about crypto trading, in fact, about cryptocurrency. I learned everything about cryptocurrency from the academy. I am very much inspired by the working and utilization of cryptocurrency in today's technical era.

Besides learning, I also learned many moral things from the academy like all the members of the academy, no matter they are students or professors, all the members are very much loving and caring for each other. All the students and professors provide a friendly and impressive ecosystem to the academy. Our professors are really hard-working and merit-loving. The most impressive thing that I learned from the academy is the discipline and cooperation with the fellows.

Moreover, by participating in the homework of the SteemitCryproAcademy, my presentation style of the post is also improved very much. Now, I try to use different markdowns to make my posts more attractive and understandable for the readers.

All the professors are kind and respectable to all the students. They treat the students equally irrespective of language, race, or any other factor. I learned very much about cryptocurrencies and crypto trading from the academy. This academy also inspired me to invest in cryptocurrencies and make good profits. I also learn many trading strategies, patterns, indicators, price action, many DeFi platforms, and many new blockchains and working of blockchains as well.


Does the Academy inspire you to continue learning more about crypto subjects? If so, how and where have you expanded your crypto learning?

In the answer to this question, I want to say Yes. Yes, the SteemitCryptoAcademy inspired me very much to learn more about cryptocurrencies and new blockchain projects. After learning the basics of crypto trading from the academy, I also learned much about cryptocurrencies from other resources.

I wanted to expand my crypto knowledge. All the homework that I have done in the academy really proved very informative and helpful for me and I get much knowledge about the trends, indicators, blockchains, consensus protocols, and many more. Thanks to SteemitCryptoAcademy for such an amazing opportunity.

Now, I wonder about the internet and try to get more and more knowledge about cryptocurrencies and blockchains technologies to utilize this knowledge for trading cryptos and earn more and more. I read articles and forums about cryptos that enhance my knowledge and learning of cryptos is also improved. I tried to get more knowledge about cryptocurrencies from Binance Academy, By watching different videos on YouTube, By visiting Alexandria by CoinMarketCap, Bitcointalk forums, and by visiting many more places to gather more knowledge and daily news about cryptos.


Did the Academy inspire you to start trading in cryptocurrencies? If so, which one?

As I have told you before that I am very much inspired and impressed by cryptocurrencies and I also started trading cryptocurrencies on various exchanges like Binance, Huobi Global, Poloniex, etc. I utilize the knowledge that I gained from the homework of the CryptoAcademy and tried to improve my trading experience by learning more and more from the academy.

I also have staked different tokens in different platforms and get percentage rewards for these stakings. I wish to learn more and more from the academy and utilize this knowledge in the trading of cryptocurrencies to carry out my trading journey. Many times, I got huge profits from the trades that are executed by me through understanding the trends and applying various technical analysis tools.


S.S taken from my Binance account

In the above screenshot, you can see a trade of history of my Binance account. This screenshot shows all the Sell and Buy trades that are executed by me on Binance. I execute all these trades by utilizing the knowledge that I gained from various lectures of the academy. Thanks, dear team for all things.



Steemit Crypto Academy is really a very superb and advantageous initiative of the Steemit Team that provides a platform to crypto lovers and traders. It provides the peak knowledge about the cryptocurrency world and helps the crypto traders to learn about the cryrptos. I am impatiently waiting for the Season 6 of the academy so that we could continue our learning and earning journey with new professors and new minds.

Thanks all.

Thanks, @steemitblog for providing us a chance to make a feedback post about the Crypto Academy.

@steemdoctor1 (Crypto Student)


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Very nice feedback my friend I agree with all of your points.

Thanks a lot dear for showing sync.

Another change that I would make is that I would mute the plagiarists from the academy for the respective season, not for the whole life. In this way, they must be aware in next season and the quality of the content will also improve.

This point is extremely important and I think the steemit team need to take this Into consideration.. muting someone for life is like killing the individual which is not fair at all . Thanks alot for bringing this up my brother. I love the point so much

Yes, there are many such muted person that are waiting for this decision of the team as they were muted in the first, second or any previous season.

Thanks brother for your syncing.

The length of the homework post is also a very big issue for most of the students. Sometimes, the professors assign more than ten questions and thus the students find difficulty in completing the task within the given time. Moreover, some professors demand real trades in the tasks and the students feel difficulty in this way. I think, instead of real trades, the demo trades should be demanded.

This is the real problem, it is what drives the students away, the 5050 club is a good idea because the idea is to grow within the platform, it is a pity that your publication is so long, I think the idea is lost

god bless you

Yes you are right. If the students have to go with both things (club5050 and real trades/transactions) then they would really feel difficulty. Thanks a lot .

Very good feedback..

Thanks a lot.


A very good feedback by you dear Sir. You are really hardworking and good student and had been best writer many times. Thanks for such a good feedback.

Thanks a lot.

nice feedback broo i really impressed by this post this is very informative post about crypto i agreed with you thats you shared all the points

Thanks dear brother for showing sync with my all points.