Steemit Crypto Academy Weekly Update #16 [ May 31st, 2021 ]

in hive-108451 •  3 years ago 

This week’s lessons bring Season 2 of the Steemit Crypto Academy to a close.

We will then be taking a two week break while we prepare some exciting new changes for Season 3.

In the meantime this week’s courses cover Tron wallets, Privacy Coins, Hashgraph Technology, the Wyckoff Method, Pivot Points and Bollinger Bands.

We hope you enjoy the lessons, study well, work hard, make your best homework posts and earn rewards !

If you are interested in the progress of the Steemit Crypto Academy @sapwood has done some great analysis of the stats so far…

Please note - to further encourage Academy students to build more of a stake in the platform we are increasing the minimum Steem Power requirement to be eligible for votes to 150 SP.

The Steemit Crypto Academy Courses - Week 16

These are the courses for Week #16…

@abcallen [ China ]

This week Professor @Abcallen’s lesson is about Tron wallets, Tron Link, Tronscan and Tron dApps.

The homework task involves describing how Tron Link works.

@levycore [ Indonesia ] - assisted by @alphafx [ Nigeria ]

This week Professor @Levycore looks at Privacy Coins.

The homework task involves carrying out a detailed investigation of one Privacy Coin.

@pelon53 [ Venezuela ] - assisted by @imagen [ Venezuela ]

This week Professor @Pelon53 covers Hashgraph Technology.

The homework task involves answering a number of questions about Hashgraph Technology and how it compares with Blockchain Technology.

@fendit [ Argentina ] - assisted by @sapwood [ India ]

This week Professor @Fendit investigates the Wyckoff Method.

The homework involves answering questions about Composite Man, and carrying out a chart analysis using the Wyckoff Method.

@stream4u (India) - assisted by @yousafharoonkhan [ Pakistan ]

This week Professor @Stream4u’s lesson looks at Pivot Points as a Technical Indicator.

The homework task involves answering various questions to do with Pivot Points.

@kouba01 [ Tunisia ] - assisted by @yohan2on [ Uganda ]

This week Professor @Kouba01 investigates cryptocurrency trading with Bollinger Bands.

The homework task involves answering questions, and carrying out a practical exercise, all to do with Bollinger Bands.

Homework Guidelines

We are keen to ensure that all contributions to the Steemit Crypto Academy are of as high a standard as possible.

While the Crypto Professors may set specific requirements for some of their homework tasks we would suggest all students follow these basic guidelines…

  • Title the post with the format - Crypto Academy Week 16 - Homework Post for [name of Crypto Professor] …
  • Homework posts should be at least 300 words
  • All work should be your own - plagiarism will not be tolerated
  • Any graphs, screenshots, quotes etc used from other sources should be fully referenced
  • Any images used should be from copyright-free sources and fully referenced
  • Homework posts should include the tag #cryptoacademy and any tag specifically required by the Crypto Professor in the first five tags. It will also be good to include a tag for your country.
  • Tag the relevant Crypto Professor to help them find your homework post.

Please make sure you send your homework posts into the Crypto-Academy community…

Homework posts should be submitted no later than 11.59pm UTC, on Saturday, June 5th 2021. Note this is one day earlier than usual.

Please check each Professor’s post carefully for any special instructions they have given for their homework task. Once you have completed your homework post make sure you leave a link on the Professor’s post to ensure they see it.

Following all these guidelines carefully will help you gain higher vote rewards for your homework posts.

Voting Rules for Season 2

To encourage people to do more research and put more effort into producing higher quality homework posts @steemcurator02 will now only be voting on posts that achieve a grade of 5 out of 10 or above from the Professor.

Additionally to discourage ‘content farming’ from multi-accounts set up purely to harvest votes from the Crypto Academy @steemcurator02 will only consider giving votes on homework posts submitted by people with reputations of 50 or above.

If you are new to Steem we suggest you join the Newcomers Community and do the Achievement Tasks there to get to know the platform and build up your reputation before joining the Crypto Academy…

To further discourage content farmers who commonly power down and cash out on a continual basis we will not, at our discretion, be voting on any posts from authors who are powering down.

Additionally to further discourage content farming and to encourage Academy students to build more of a stake in the platform we are making one further rule change this week. We will not, at our discretion, be voting on posts from authors who do not have at least 150 SP in their wallet due to constant selling of the rewards from their homework posts.

The Steemit Crypto Academy community

The Crypto Academy community is ONLY for posts to do with the courses being run by the Crypto Professors…

Alongside the course posts from the Crypto Professors, the only other posts in the Steemit Crypto Academy community should be homework posts for the tasks set by the professors.

Please do not post general crypto related posts now in the Steemit Crypto Academy Community. Any non-Academy posts may be muted.

We hope as many of you as possible will join in with the Steemit Crypto Academy courses and do the homework tasks set by the Crypto Professors. You are free to follow as many of the courses as you want.

In this second season of the Academy we are putting a greater emphasis on improving the quality of the homework posts.

We are also putting even more resources into curbing plagiarism, content farming and other abuse.

We are keen for the Steemit Crypto Academy to provide a high quality learning opportunity for those willing to put in the effort to expand their knowledge and understanding of the world of cryptocurrencies.

Thank you

The Steemit Team

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Please note - to further encourage Academy students to build more of a stake in the platform we are increasing the minimum Steem Power requirement to be eligible for votes to 150 SP.

The participants will now be more encouraged to build their SP, that will also help them to build a better social network, after all SP is an influence power, and it will be rewarding for them in the long run.

Thank you.

Steem on.

Hello @sapwood . Actually, I have around 700+ steem but some of steem are in delegation. So, Can u please tell me that Am I eligible to do homework task as I 700+ steem but they are in delegation.

Yes, you are eligible.

The only condition is that you own at least 150 SP, does not matter if you have entirely delegated it to someone else or to a community project.

I hope it clarifies.

Thank you.


Nice work

Sir does the 150 minimum SP requirement apply to all assignments..?

Yes, it applies to all the assignments of Week-8 and onwards.

Thank you.

Nice info

Nice! Steemit Crypto Academy getting better in each season with those new guidelines/rules implementations. Good job!

We will not, at our discretion, be voting on posts from authors who do not have at least 150 SP in their wallet due to constant selling of the rewards from their homework posts.

Alguien se ha dado cuenta aquí que el motivo principal para participar y permanecer en esta red es la promesa de recompensa?

La mayoría de los participantes provienen de países oprimidos -Venezuela, por ejemplo, agravado por la pulverización de las pocas fuentes de empleo debido a la pandemia-, que han hallado en Steem, una oportunidad para generar un poco de dinero para sobrevivir.

Quítenle ese beneficio y esta plataforma morirá en el olvido.

Por otro lado, hablando sobre "producir publicaciones de mejor calidad". desde que inicié hace tres años, hay descontento por la manera en la que se distribuyen las recompensas. La "calidad" es un concepto absolutamente subjetivo. Algunas publicaciones -que pueden verse en las tendencias-, reciben cientos de recompensas que a mi juicio me parecen abuso del sistema, otras en cambio, de gran contenido, pasan desapercibidas y desvalorizadas. ¿A los 27 testigos no se les ocurre nada? ¿Y si abren un concursos para oir propuestas?

Para ser honesta, sigo en esta plataforma, porque estoy en el programa de Steem Basic Income. Aunque nadie vote por mi, recibo votos de SBI en cada una de mis publicaciones que hago ceñidas al estándar. No tengo que pertenecer a un grupo en Discord o "desparramarme en adulaciones" al administrador de alguna comunidad, ni a nadie para recibir votos, tampoco tengo que competir con alguien más por una recompensa. ¿Lo mejor? No sufro de desilusión porque mis posts no son apreciados.

Como yo lo veo es un ganar-ganar. Hay que apoyar los proyectos cuyo objetivo sea ganar la fidelidad y el contento del usuario, no que los desanimen o ahuyenten.

Excelente razonamiento y mejor explicación @thaishps.

No llevo mucho por aquí, pero, sin saberlo explicar muy bien, intuyo cosas que no me parecen claras. Veo demasiado "peloteo" como decimos en esta parte del charco, demasiadas bendiciones y halagos que a mi parecer están de más y solo tratan de alimentar egos y atraer una atención que rara vez tiene éxito.

Por otro lado el sistema de funcionamiento se me hace algo complejo, obligándote a emplear un tiempo que no es proporcional a los réditos, sociales y de pecunio, que te anuncian como si fuera el nirvana de la blockchain. Creo que hay muchas cosas, quizás por desconocimiento, que son claramente mejorables y a pesar de que parece una plataforma muy democrática, se ven claramente grupos de poder que tienen una enorme capacidad de decisión.

Perdona por el "ladrillo", pero es la primera vez que leo un comentario coherente con lo que veo por este espacio, y quería compartir razonamientos.

Por último (soy un lego en la materia) ¿me podrías explicar brevemente cómo funciona lo del SBI?

Gracias por tu atención.
Saludos desde el Mediterráneo.

Hola @xaviduran, me has interpretado a la perfección. Esta fastidiosa practica de iniciar un artículo con un párrafo completo de cursis y exageradas alabanzas a otros usuarios, creo que se salió de control.

Probablemente el tema del artículo sea nutritivo, pero las descarto, no les dedico un segundo. No me parecen sinceras y solo buscan, como bien lo dices, ganar un voto a favor.

Con gusto te explico sobre el SBI. Por cada Steem que inviertas, recibirás un porcentaje de upvote, en cada uno de tus posts, por el resto de la vida de la blockchain. Si no publicas, no recibes el upvote, pero se acumula hasta que lo hagas. Como ves, te obliga a participar y mantenerte activo en la plataforma sin desilusionarte ni estresarte.

Aquí te dejo un resumen con una mejor explicación y su Discord. Hasta ahora la propuesta de @josephsavage ha sido la mejor.

  ·  3 years ago (edited)

Querida @thaishps, has exteriorizado el sentir de una innumerable cantidad de usuarios que se debaten entre hacer "Power Up", porque saben que es absolutamente necesario para crecer dentro de la plataforma, y comprar alimentos, medicina, o simplemente suplir alguna necesidad urgente.

Sin duda, este no es un problema de fácil solución, ni mucho menos, sin embargo, comparto tu sentir en que algo habrá que hacer al respecto. Si las comunidades no generan mecanismos de autogestión, curator01 no siempre podrá suministrar apoyo a todos los usuario de todas las comunidades, ¡ni siquiera a todos los que tienen muy buenas publicaciones!

Ya se que alguien del Equipo Steemit me dirá que la solución a esto es el aumento del Steem Power de los usuarios, pero, como bien dices, muchos de ellos (y me incluyo) en no pocas ocasiones necesitamos cambiar algo de nuestro monedero sencillamente porque un hijo necesita pañales, o algo de comida, y es completamente innecesario satanizar el tomar algo de tu propia billetera.

En este sentido, el proyecto de Nutbox me ha encantado porque "resuelven" el problema de una manera sutil: Mira, pon tu Steem Power aquí, obviamente no podrás moverlo mientras esté delegado, pero a cambio estarás "minando" Peanut (su token) más los intereses que tu delegación recibirá.

Es como que el banco te dijese "Pon tu dinero a plazo fijo aquí, no lo podrás mover por un tiempo, pero a cambio te generará no solo los respectivos intereses sino un "bono" semanal por fidelidad". Algo así.

Culmino sumándome a tu propuesta de abrir un espacio para discutir ideas al respecto y llegar a un consenso que haga de Steemit un lugar no nada más para subir "El Juego del Diario" sino también para atraer inversionistas y proyectarnos como una plataforma/negocio serio, rentable, y perdurable en el tiempo...¡Dios nos ayude!
#affable #venezuela

Hola @recush, sí, es una dolencia que arrastra esta plataforma desde sus inicios y, muchísimos otros antes de mi lo han expuesto, pero como dices, no es de fácil solución.

Por otro lado, había visto los videos de Nutbox pero lo dejaba para luego. Gracias por mencionarlo, ya estoy probándolo.

¡Saludos @thaishps! Estoy seguro que los Witnesses tomarán medidas en cuánto a esto...Por favor, cuando te sea posible, coméntame tu experiencia en Nutbox. Gracias.

Ya te cuento @recush. A principio de semana delegué 200sp al proyecto. Hasta ahora he ganado 40.300 PNUT, que es aproximadamente 9 TRON, algo así como 0.6 centavo de dólar. No es mucho, pero es mi primer Staking y me hace feliz 😀😁

Hasta allí todo bien, pero se supone que recibo un upvote por un post diario (debes delegar mínimo 100SP), cuyo valor depende de la delegación y que no he recibido hasta ahora. Ya hice la observación en Discord, espero me informen qué ha pasado.

Si surge algo más, te escribo.

Ten un hermoso fin de semana.



Hello, @steemblog, @steemcurator01 and dear Steemit Team. We are writing this letter to you on behalf of the Steemit Azerbaijan Community. For the past month, we have been introducing people to the Steemit Platform in our country, educating them about the platform, and even setting up the Steemit Azerbaijan Community to bring them together. So, although the Steemit Azerbaijan Community has been established in less than a month, it already has about 86 active, well-educated, high-quality content-sharing users and even social media channels such as Facebook and Telegram.

There are currently 60 active members in Steemit Azerbaijan Community, and if consider our country's potential it can grow to huge numbers. But the only obstacle we face is that people want incentives, they want to be rewarded. To some extent, we support Azerbaijani users who join our community by investing in voting bots. But as the subscription grows, our work gets harder.

That's truly why now we're writing to you. We ask you to support us by appointing a representative to Azerbaijan. We hope you will understand and consider our situation, it is really necessary to further expand our community and keep it together

Steemit Azərbaycan 3.png


Steemit Azerbaijan Community
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Steemit Azerbaijan Community
Telegram group
Steemit Azerbaijan Community
Discord kanalı
Azerbaijan Steemit

Good to see a new community for a new country. We will begin to follow your activities.

To start to build your community you need to set up a community curation account that we can support and you need to encourage your members to power up.

The goal for all communities should be to build up their voting power so that they can become self-reliant and not dependent on steemcurator votes.

The goal for all communities should be to build up their voting power so that they can become self-reliant and not dependent on steemcurator votes.

This is the key point, we should all focus on this point and build the capacity of our own community. Soon I will also be asking for a delegation for the #Banglachef community and will be delegating all my Steem Power to Community ID. Thanks for bringing the matter up again.

Also requesting to visit #banglachef community for checking some new recipe of Bangla Foods :D

Hello, @ steemcurator01 excellent information, greetings and blessings for you continue with your good work greetings from Venezuela

Es un debate muy difcil

The rule of not launching Powerdown is a bit unfair to users who powerup thousands of Steems like me. This rule can be stretched as follows. Powerdowners must have at least 1000 or 5000 SP in their account.

Isint that a bit too high sir ? Upvotes are not that easy to get you know

si generas tanto entonces no te deberia preocupar no generar unos cuantos sp

4 days ago my Achievement 3 was verified. But I have not received any support from you so far. Please support me that I can be inspired to do better.
My achievement 3 link:

I will love to join once i am done with my achievement post

I want to learn crypto currency and participate in the homework. I have been with Newcomers Community and almost done with my Achievement Tasks. My reputations is 50. I was having 103SP and after reading this update I powered up to 150SP. I don't really know where to start. Pls I need your guide.

Hello @steemitblog
It has been over 4 days I post this and there is no response. Pls respond. I have been waiting for your reply.

I want to learn cryptocurrency and participate in the homework. I have been with Newcomers Community and almost done with my Achievement Tasks. My reputations is 50. I was having 103SP and after reading this update I powered up to 150SP. I don't really know where to start. Pls I need your guide.

Thank you very much for the notifications, this week's assignments are very interesting. I will do my best to do some of them taking advantage of the 2 week break. Let's go on, working our accounts and feeding our voting power, thanks to POB.

Financial Markets Analyst.

@lenonmc21, Nice seeing that you have this expertise. Your quality posts would be required in the community. You can always visit us at financial Securities.

Best regards

I hope to participate in this weeks homework and learning series @steemitblog

me as a newcomer may be difficult to achieve a higher reputation, especially by reaching 150SP it may be difficult for newcomers, every income that enters my wallet, I do POWER UP but with a small amount depending on the income from my post, here I want to Active. @steemitblog @steemcurator01

Hi, @steemitblog

I hope your new changes will be helpful for all new and existing users. It is very good step to make new rewarding rule for those who will have minimum 150 SP.
Increasing Sp is good step for users to earn more in future.

thank you

Great -STEEM ON.
#Steemit #Steem

I hope I don't miss the next start again

happy to see guidelines thank you

Good to see the new rules

Steemit Crypto Academy getting better in each season with those new guidelines / rules implementations.

Pienso que esta plataforma es para animar y promover la globalizacion del conocimiento y entretenimiento, asi como de consumo de bienes y servicios. Apoya la creatividad y la madurez de cada participante de esta comunidad, por eso "comunidad".....

very good post my friend has upvoted your post and also shared it 🙏👋😁

Resteemed :-)


Yuk download Ajaib untuk investasi saham dan reksa dana! Mudah, cepat, dan terdaftar di OJK. Dapatkan SAHAM GRATIS dengan mendaftar melalui link berikut:

Dear @Steemitblog,
Please kindly help me and get this reoccurring issue resolved. This is the second time I would be verified by the Professors without any form of Upvote.
This does not send good feelings and encouragement to me for the hard-work put in to get my homework task done given to all your hurdles and criteria required to get a quality post in the community.
Please kindly help attend to my plea and reconfirm from the links below for further verification and action.

Best regards

Cc: @steemcurator01

Best regards



Great information

Hi, @steemitblog,

Your post has been supported by the X.

Thank you for your contribution,

Hola @steemitblog mi tarea aún no ha Sido calificada y está reposteada y calificada con 8/10 no quiero publicarla por tercera vez, por favor ayúdeme a decirle a @steemcurator02 es está

  ·  3 years ago (edited)


No estoy segura de cuán viable sea mi propuesta, pero si los humanos @steemcurator02 y @steemcurator01 van a votar cada participación que aprueben los profesores ¿Por qué no han hecho su voto automático? Asignen un porcentaje de upvote por calificación y voilà ! ¿Por qué siguen votando manualmente en la era de la automatización?

Las quejas, que con todo derecho hacen los participantes -como este señor-, porque no han recibido la recompensa ofrecida, desaparecerían.

Digo yo, no sé.

Saludos @thaishps, lindo su comentario aunque no viene al caso, y tampoco entendí lo que aquí se refiere. Me gustaría que fuera más clara a la hora de comentar. Gracias.

Le explico. Si los votos de @steemcurator02 y @steemcurator01 fueran automatizados, usted no estaría reposteando su tarea por tercera vez, clamando por una recompensa que se merece por su trabajo, porque recibiría su recompensa al momento que el profesor aprueba su tarea. ¿Ahora lo ve?

Le escribía a @steemitblog, aprovechando su solicitud, pero creí que se entendería. Disculpe usted.

Pero deje que corrijo.

Thank you for the delegation support ❤️

Good! crypto academy..


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