Steemit Crypto Academy Weekly Update [ August 23rd, 2021 ] - Recruiting Professors and Promoters

in hive-108451 •  3 years ago 

Season 3 of the Crypto Academy has now come to an end.

The ‘Season SuperStars’ will be announced shortly.

Planning for Season 4 is already underway. Make sure you are following @steemitblog for news of new developments.

For the new season we will be recruiting more Professors. We will also be recruiting for the new role of Promoters to help us take the Steemit Crypto Academy to the next level.

Details of how to apply for both roles are below.

Season 4 of the Crypto Academy will begin in 2 - 3 weeks.

The six Introductory courses will continue to be available in the meantime for anyone at the Beginners level who has completed at least Level 4 of the Achievement Tasks in the Newcomers Community.

Steemit Crypto Academy Professors

The primary task of a Crypto Professor is to produce weekly or bi-weekly course posts on a cryptocurrency / blockchain subject agreed between us.

Each of these posts should also include a homework task for the students to practice and expand their knowledge of the topic.

The Professors are then expected to check, comment on and grade within two days all the homework posts submitted for their course. This is likely to be around 100 posts a week. Professors will generally be working in pairs to share the workload of grading the homework posts.

At the end of each week we ask the Professors to produce a summary post giving feedback on the homework responses submitted.

For all their hard work, the Professors are rewarded each week with generous upvotes from @steemcurator01 on their main course posts and their homework feedback posts.

For Season 4 we are looking to recruit two or three more Professors.

If you would like to be considered as a Steemit Crypto Professor you should make a post with the following information…

  • a summary of your experience on Steem, and other blockchains, and other relevant off-chain experience or qualifications (no more than 250 words)

  • a description of why you think you would be suitable to become a Steemit Crypto Professor (no more than 250 words)

  • an outline of the topics you would cover in a sample 5 week course suitable for newcomers to the crypto world (no more than 500 words)

  • links to the three best crypto related posts you have made on Steem - ideally these should be Crypto Academy homework posts.

Steemit Crypto Academy Promoters

The primary task of the Academy Promoters will be to promote the Crypto Academy outside of Steemit and to recruit people to join and take part in the Academy courses.

The Promoters should do this by producing recruitment materials such as videos, banners, introductions to use on other social networks and platforms such as Reddit, Twitter, Telegram, YouTube, Discord etc. They should also be looking to make contact with crypto influencers to encourage them to mention the Academy to their followers.

Once they have recruited new people the Promoters will need to guide them to the Newcomers Community so they can complete at least the first four Achievement Tasks and build up their Steem Power and Reputation so they are ready to take part in the courses of the Crypto Academy.

To record their promotion activities and recruitment successes, the Promoters will be asked to post weekly reports.

Those posts will be rewarded with @booming votes according to their achievements.

We will initially be recruiting up to 8 Promoters.

If you would like to be considered as a Steemit Crypto Promoter you should make a post with the following information…

  • a brief introduction about yourself, including what country you live in, and your knowledge and experience in the crypto world (no more than 250 words)

  • a summary of your experience on Steem and in the Crypto Academy (no more than 250 words)

  • a description of why you think you would be suitable to become a Steemit Crypto Promoter, and what other social platforms you actively use (no more than 250 words)

  • an outline with initial ideas of how and where you would promote the Crypto Academy (no more than 250 words).

Application posts for both roles can be in any language, and should be published by 11pm UTC on Saturday, August 28th.

Please include the appropriate tag #professorapplication or #promoterapplication (and your country tag) and put a link to your post in the comments below.

If you want to apply for both roles please make separate application posts.

We plan to announce the new Steemit Crypto Professors and Promoters by Friday, September 3rd.

Thank you,

The Steemit Team

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Nice ideas, hope a lot of users feel encouraged to live the CryptoAcademy experience from the inside! Good luck to everyone who applies for both positions :)

Te extrañé en esta temporada :'( @fendit

Que lindo mensajeee!! :) :) :)
Estaba pensando en aplicar nuevamente, pero hay muchisimas cosas por hacer en writing & reviews... peeeeeero lo pensare :P

Excelente noticia 😊😊😊, volveré a activarme en writing and reviews también

Ayuda para crear mi bloc

Would have loved to apply but I’m Still building my profile to participate in the crypto Academy


Nice idea

thanks for upvote

  ·  3 years ago Reveal Comment


  ·  3 years ago 

The ‘Season SuperStars’ will be announced shortly.


Here is my Application to become a Crypto Professor.
Thank you @steemitblog

This is so interesting, upgrade is always a welcomed idea.


are you the real girl

New video out! yup, let's go!

ruin my credit

Thanks a lot. The overall success of the Academy is equally pivotal to the consistent flow of Newcomers, which will keep the things more dynamic and will also improve the level of healthy competition. I am happy to see this new setup where we will have a dedicated unit exclusively for the promotion of the Academy.

Thanks again.

Steem on.

My application for cryptoacademy promoter. Forgot to drop the link yesterday:

I love this opportunity so much that i decided to apply,
Here is my link

This is my application post, read here

This is becoming more interesting, can't wait for the next season.

This is extremely wanderful as they will not only be recruiting new professors but they will also be recruiting Cryptoacademy promoters as well. Kuddos to steemitblog👏👏👏

this is great idea.

Good job bro

A very interesting season, so that role of promoting Steemit Crypto Academy to other people is also interesting! Without a doubt the 4th season will bring surprises and knowledge! Thank you #cryptoacademy thank you @steemcurator01 and @steemcurator02

  ·  3 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  3 years ago Reveal Comment

Felicito el trabajo de todos cada profesor dedico su esfuerzo y dedicación para compartir todos sus conocimientos bendiciones y muchos éxitos a todo el equipo..

Clash of the Titans...this is champions league final.

The Time to go to work

But you are muted

always a good sign to see this kind of news cant wait to see this take off

Good opportunity to share crypto with the world on a forefront, i wish all applicants best of luck

  ·  3 years ago (edited)

New idea of promoting steemit crypto academy platform by the @steemitblog is appreciated, it is hard need to promote it through various social media so that maximum people be able to learn about crypto world.

  ·  3 years ago (edited)

Is Elizabeth Powell still in the general manager position? She has a good background in the advertising industry. She can express her ideas about advertising.

We can advertise on platforms such as Youtube and Twitter for a fee. For this, he can transfer a fund from steem.dao.

Hi, there what is steemit academy.How to join and get benefits.

I am eagerly waiting for next session.

That's good


Ojalá se postulen más profesores en español, porque un solo profesor publicando en la semana nos pone en desventaja a los hispanohablantes. Más opciones para elegir, más oportunidades de participación.

Hola como estas, que emocionante cada vez vamos en crecimiento y con nuevos planes para desarrollar cada vez la plataforma steemit me encanta la iniciativa y siempre y atenta a la nueva etapa de la cripto cuando comience.

will apply for the position as promoter

Great initiatives. I think this is really impressive giving the chance for Steemians to promote Crypto Academy. Thanks for this great offer.

Great initiative, thanks to @steemitblog!

Good opinions. This encourage folks to work with crypto. Good luck everyone

  ·  3 years ago Reveal Comment

This is becoming greater and greater , best wishes
And btw if you want a great site to advertise you coin in check this site it is really great and has alot of visitors in it

Good opinion

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  ·  3 years ago Reveal Comment

Wow interesting course and challenge yourself to develop here

The initiative to hire professors for new season and also hiring promoters for Steemit's promotion was very good.

Thanks to The Steemit Team

  ·  3 years ago (edited)
Enseño estrategias y métodos para logras tu libertad financiera si gustas puedes seguirme recién descubri esta red social estaré subiendo contenido preiodicamente

Greetings dear community of #SteemitCryptoAcademy, taking advantage of the great opportunity you are giving us, I make my formal application to opt as a teacher of the academy in season 4.

In this sense, I attach the link of my application:

hello @steemitblog, is it okay if there is an account that creates a country version of a @steemitblog account, for example my country is Indonesia, and the account contains information from the official steemit account that has been translated into Indonesian.

Wow! This is amazing. You guys have read my mind. I was lately thinking about to promote these great courses in other platforms, not only to promote Steemit itself. Regards there!
#venezuela #affable

  ·  3 years ago Reveal Comment

Looking forward to season four. Thanks to all professors who will be volunteering their time. Still waiting for Cryptos to be legal in New York State. Our only option is Coinbase and their selection is very limited. There are no exchanges that will work for NYS residents except Coinbase and HotBit, a Chinese exchange I believe. So far it has worked fine for me, but it has limitations. I miss Binance.

Nice Article

Mi postulación para Promotores de Steemit Crypto Academy:

This is wonderful. More grace.

The promoter avenue is an idea I've been looking forward to. Thanks again for Steemit opportunity.

Thanks always 😍

Hello, @steemitblog, what are the requirements for participating in the crypto classes and what are the rules to abide by?

Thank you very much for this amazing opportunity.
This is my Application to become a Crypto Professor in Steemit Crypto Academy.

Can't wait to increase my rank and perform in these wonderful tasks

Thanks, @steemitblog for this wonderful opportunity. I'm highly privileged to write an application to become a crypto professor at the academy, thanks for creating such a wonderful avenue. I present the link to my application below. Thank you.

hey @steemitblog and @executive-board i just created an account on steem so what kind of the first post I should make with tag and community so I can reach to other peoples please guide me

Complete achievement posts first

and where i can sell tokens and also sell what tokens I have

what is an achievement post? tell me bro

Complete all the 4 achievements, you will get to know every basics of steemit

Execelente actualización, suena muy bien lo de los promotores! Me interesa muchos lo de ser profesor dejaré mi aplicación en estos días! Saludos al gran equipo que hace todo esto posible, son lo mejor!

Hola! Con demasiado gusto dejo el link de mi aplicación para el puesto de profesor. Saludos al grandioso equipo de Steeemit.

SteemitCryptoAcademy || Aplicación para el puesto de profesor.

Buenas noches a todos, esta es mi aplicación como profesor de criptoacademy, exito a todos los que nos postulamos.

very nice idea, and i cant really wait to seize such an amazing opportunity

Excelente iniciativa, me disculpo por lo ajustado en cuanto a tiempo, que realice mi solicitud. Logre presentarla minutos antes del tiempo reglamentario.

Aca dejo mi solicitud a promotor de la comunidad:

Wow wonderful development

Very good thinking

These are great ideas. I like them very much. Thanks for sharing.

Great! thanks


  ·  3 years ago (edited)

Here is my link of the application to be crypto professor.
I thank all the Steemit Crypto Academy community to launch this wonderful platform of learning.

New to Crypto and look forward to being the student, for a change. My daytime job is a lecturer in the business school of the University. My specialty and expertise is marketing, branding and strategy.

a good program to recruit Steemit Crypto Academy Professors, they should be a very knowledgeable person. All the best to those who apply for these posts.

  ·  3 years ago Reveal Comment