JustSwap - Crypto Academy | S4W5 - Homework Post for @kuoba

in hive-108451 •  3 years ago 

Hello Everyone,

Today in this lesson, I'm going to learn about the JustSwap Platform. Let's see how I can cope with the given assignment.


01). Present the Just Swap platform in your own way, demonstrating its importance within the Tron ecosystem blockchain.


  • Introduction to JustSwap

Launched on 18th August 2020 by its famous founder Justin Sun, JustSwap is a decentralized token exchange which allows trading TRC20 tokens instantly in TRON-based blockchain. The vision of the platform, "accessible to all" has attracted many DeFi users within days of the commencement of this platform. Since then, JustSwap has provided fast & cost effective service to its users becoming a credible and affordable exchange protocol.

  • Importance within the Tron ecosystem blockchain

JustSwap enables conversion of any two TRC20 tokens based on the system price. As a trading fee, Tron blockchain charges a 0.3% trading fee and there are no other additional fees involved. The trading fees of the transaction paid by traders will be directly distributed to liquidity providers of the protocol as a reward instead of the platform itself. Apart from trading fee rewards, JustSwap users would be able to earn mining rewards as well.

This ensures benefits to the traders such as, Infinite liquidity and Instant execution to many traders. Further traders can enjoy the low cost for their transactions entrusted with smart contracts.

To diversify the TRON blockchain, the development team Just has also launched other TRON-based DeFi protocols such as JustStable (USDJ), JustLend, and Just Cryptos for users to get connected as all-in-one financial solutions. With such improvements and novelty, TRON blockchain has been able to increase there liquidity, volume, and user numbers significantly.


02). What tokens does JustSwap support trading? How is the price of a JustSwap token determined (how it works)? Use an illustration to explain it.


  • Support tokens for JustSwap

JustSwap supports any conversion between two TRC20 tokens. The platform has divided the supported coins into two lists as follows,

JustSwap Default List
Tron Alliance List
19 Tokens
53 Tokens

In total it is 72 tokens.

JustSwap Default List.jpg
JustSwap Default List: https://list.justswap.link/justswap.json

Tron Alliance List.jpg
Tron Alliance List: https://list.tronalliance.cc/tronalliance.json

Moreover, if the coin is not listed in both lists, there is a manual option to add the preferred coin to the JustSwap platform by copying the smart contract address of the token.

  • Price determination of JustSwap token

To address the shortcomings of the established methods of "order book" for decentralized exchangers, The AMM (Automated Market Maker) model is used in JustSwap platform. This AMM model uses the pool's available liquidity in trading pairs by removing the need for the presence of buyers and sellers at the same time.

There is a smart contract mathematical function to determine the calculation,

X * Y = K

in which,
x = token 01,
y = token 02,
k = a constant number.

Since k uses a constant number, every time swap takes place x and y change prices according to the demand and supply of the tokens. Note that the "k" value is always determined by the total liquidity available in the liquidity pool while the token must maintain the ratio of the value with their reserve.

Therefore, whenever we see one token amount rise, the other token always reduces proportionally to maintain the equation. This equation will remain constant until new liquidity providers (LP) add new liquidity to the pool.

03). How do I connect my wallet to JustSwap.io? Is there a mobile app?


Connecting JustSwap.io to the wallet is a one click process. However, we must ensure that we have a chrome extension for the Tronlink wallet is already installed. If not you can go to the tronlink.org and choose the device you want and it will direct you to the right place to download the necessary wallet files. Then log in to the TronLink Wallet extension beforehand.

  • Once the wallet is set up Go to JustSwap.io and click "Connect to Wallet" and choose the "TronLink Wallet" from the pop-up window.

Connecting TronLink Wallet toJustSwap.io

  • If you are logged in to the TronLink Wallet it will be automatically recognized and asked permission to "connect".

Initializing the connection

  • Once connected, JustSwap will show you the wallet balance and the address as shown.


Is there a mobile app?

There is no mobile app developed for JustSwap yet. From the below search result from the playstore you can see a JustSwap mobile app but that is not the one we look for.

Search result for JustSwap on playstore

However, except web portal (https://justswap.io/) we can access the JustSwap dApp (decentralized application) through the Mobile TronLink Wallet. The connection through this way is seamless as it is just two taps. First we have to go to "Discover" and then choose the "JustSwap" dApp. That's it, we are good to swap as we enter to JustSwap portal!

Logging to JustSwap dApp through TronLink Wallet

04). Include a real example of your interaction with Just Swap, demonstrate how you can trade on the platform.


⚡ Now that I have already connected TronLink Wallet to the JustSwap web portal I will demonstrate the trade from there onwards. By default we are already in "Swap" mode, if not click the Swap to proceed. There we can see the Available TRX amount and the field to enter the amount we want to swap.

⚡ I'm going to swap 50 TRX into USDT. Hence, I input the amount in the field and chose USDT.

⚡ Once the coin is selected we can see all the transaction related details such as the price per coin, estimated receivable amount and liquidity provider fee. If everything looks fine I can proceed to Swap.

⚡ We get all the details we have previously seen summarized in this pop-up and we have to "Confirm the Swap" to proceed.

⚡ After the confirmation for JustSwap, we need to give permission from the wallet as well. There we can see the consumed bandwidth and the fee in TRX. To proceed I have clicked "Sign"

I have successfully completed the swap. Below is the proof for the transaction with hash,


Transaction details on Tronscan

05). Include a real example of your interaction with Just Swap, explain How to add liquidity to JustSwap.


To perform this task I'm going to use the JustSwap web portal. Now we know that by default we see the Swap option, but the right next tab we have an option to add liquidity to the pool as well. Once we do that we earn a passive income by providing liquidity to the platform.

⚡ From the home page I have selected "Pool" and then clicked "Add Liquidity"

⚡ Then I have selected TRX and USDT as my liquidity inputs. I have selected max amount of USDT I have. Proportionate of TRX automatically counted. Then I clicked the "Supply"

⚡ For the next step I had to approve my supply in two steps,


⚡ By confirming all the pop-ups, finally, I have successfully added liquidity somewhat equal to 10 USDT.

⚡ I can see my liquidity in the pool as well as I can add or remove more liquidity from the pool.



According to what I have experienced during this homework, JustSwap is a really easy to use platform for Swap TRC 20 tokens, as well as TRX tokens with other TRC20 tokens. As of today, the JustSwap platform offers a greater variety of currency pairs, trading more than 70 tokens in total. All the transactions have minimal cost and a high level of security as it operates on the Tron blockchain.

Further, by adding liquidity to the platform pool, we can earn some passive income in just a few clicks on this platform. While writing this, JustSwap has locked assets over $ 1,500,000,000 in total value. That showcases how powerful this platform can be in the future for traders on the Tron blockchain.

Thank you crypto prof. @kuoba for this knowledgeable lesson.

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Hello @virajherath,
Thank you for participating in the 5th Week Crypto Course in its 4th season and for your efforts to complete the suggested tasks, you deserve a Total|8/10 rating, according to the following scale:

OriginalityCompliance with topicConsistency of methodQuality of analysisClarity of structure & language

My review :

Good content in which you tried to implement what was asked of you to explain it with distinction. Here are some notes I give you.

  • In your explanation of how JustSwap works, you are asked to prepare an illustration.

Thanks again for your effort, and we look forward to reading your next work.

Thanks for the review prof