Crypto Academy season4|| Beginners course-Task9:Blockchain wallet—Types,uses,installation,etc by @viviandaniella

in hive-108451 •  3 years ago 


(1) How do you store/secure your keys? What are the different forms of Private Key(Examples/Screenshot)? Download & Install TronLink Wallet(Android/iOS/Extension)? How do you store the key(Hint- write it down on a notepad, demonstrate it with examples)? Which form of the key are you comfortable with to handle your TronLink Wallet? Include Screenshots & hide/blur the sensitive information.


How do you store/secure your keys?

Storing/securing your key is a way of protecting your digital assets against online fraudsters. These keys give you control over your digital assets and, at the same time, keep you in charge of your own security. If a private key is lost, then the user can no longer have access to his digital assets. These keys are used to validate transactions and give a user access to their digital assets.
For this reason, keys must be stored properly and safely. A wallet is a common tool that can be used to store and secure private keys.

Personification – How I Store My Keys

I use a cold wallet for storing my keys. Specifically, I use a paper wallet for this purpose. So, upon obtaining my keys, I either write them down or make a print of them and store them securely with my other important documents.
The choice of a cold wallet to store my keys was due to the fact that they are not accessible via the internet. When utilizing a cold wallet, you must write down your backup phrase in a notebook and make sure to write them separately for security reasons, as anyone who knows your backup phrase can access your funds and transaction history.
Moreover, for other keys that are provided in text and document formats (e.g. PDF), I have gotten a separate flash drive for that purpose.

Personal Journal


Different Forms of Private Keys

From my research, and for the sake of this publication, private keys could be classified based on the following criteria:

1Based on how it is used
2Based on how it is presented
3Based on the encryption status

This may not be a standard classification criterion, but it is convenient for this section of my task.

Types of Private Keys Based on Usage

According to this Wikipedia article, several forms of private keys exists based on their usage. These keys are required for different operations on a blockchain. Some of the common private keys are:

*Private Signature Key: These keys are used to generate public digital signatures.
*Private Authentication Key: This key is used in authenticating information, i.e. assuring users/recipients of information that what has been received has not been compromised in any way.
*Private Key Transport Key: These private keys are used for the decryption of keys that have been encrypted with a public key. So, with these keys, a key hidden within another can be revealed.
*Private authorization key: These keys are used to provide the user with owner or admin privileges over a specific entity tied to the key.

Types of Private Key Based on Visual Presentation

Private keys can also be grouped based on how they are presented:
*Alphanumeric keys: These are private keys that are made from a random combination of some letters and numbers. It is usually made up of a string of alphanumeric characters, which makes it hard for online fraudsters to hack. These keys are created using cryptographic functions.

Private key.jpg
Private Key

*Keystore/JSON file: This is a string of coded characters that holds an encrypted version of your private key. The JSON file holds your encrypted private key within it. This is usually contained as a file that must be uploaded to reveal a private key (or keys) or gain access to it.

Keystore File Upload Request: Unlock Wallet

*Mnemonic (seed) phrase: This is a form of the private key made from a combination of several words, usually arranged in a specific order. They may be required to gain access to other keys, a wallet, or during the setup and restoration of a wallet. Below is an example of a mnemonic key phrase.

Mnemonic phrase.jpg

Types of Private Key Based on Encryption Status

Also, based on the encryption status, a private key could be:

*Encrypted private keys: These keys require a key/password to reveal.
*Unencrypted private keys: This key does not require a key or password to establish.

Download and Install Tronlink Wallet

To set up Tronlink on Android, simply visit or search for Tronlink in the Google Playstore. For this task, we will be visiting
On visiting the homepage as shown on the screenshot below (1), next select your preferred installation option, either by going to the play store or simply downloading the .APK file as shown in (2) below.

Step one.png
Tronlink Android

We will be using the PlayStore link to download the Tronlink wallet for Android.

Step two.png

Tronlink Android

After downloading as shown in (3), the next step is to open the application:

On opening the app, you will be mandated to thoroughly go through the user agreement and after you click on "Create Account", after going through the user agreement, simply click on "Accept" if it seems okay to you.

step three.png

Tronlink Android

Next, set your wallet name (5) as this will help you distinguish different wallets from one another.
Then you click the next step where you are required to set up your password (6) to protect your account and click the next step once you are done.
You will be expected to enter your password again (7) and after this, you click on "Confirm".

Step four.png
Tronlink Android
At this point, the Mnemonic phrase (key recovery phrase) will be generated which should be written down and safely kept (unfortunately, my device won’t allow screenshots of this part may be due to a security feature or two). The Seed Phrase displayed contains about 12 words or more. Do not forget to pay attention to the sequence, as you will have to confirm the mnemonic on the next page. After that, confirm the phrases in the order in which they were presented. If all is done right, you have successfully created your Tronlink wallet as shown here in the screenshot below (8).

Step finale.png
Tronlink Android

Which form of the key are you comfortable with to handle your Tronlink wallet?

The Mnemonic (Seed) Phrase is a form of key that I am comfortable handling in my Tronlink wallet. This is because this key is easy to save while being secure.
A mnemonic phrase is a group of words that consists of 12 words or more. These words are created when a new wallet is made. This phrase must be written down on a piece of paper and should be kept in a private place out of sight because anyone who discovers it can steal your cryptocurrencies.


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