RE: Crypto Academy Season 3 Beginners' course - Task 3: Bitcoin, Cryptocurrencies, Public chains./student: @franklin.tsosa/18-08-2021

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Crypto Academy Season 3 Beginners' course - Task 3: Bitcoin, Cryptocurrencies, Public chains./student: @franklin.tsosa/18-08-2021

in hive-108451 •  3 years ago  (edited)

Hi @franklin.tsosa, Thank you for taking interest in the 3rd Task of the Beginners Fixed Class. Your grades are as follows:

Assessment AspectsRating
Presentation/Use of Markdowns
0.8 / 2
Follow Rules and Guideline
0.7 / 2
Quality of Analysis
0.5 / 2
Clarity of Language
1 / 2
1.2 / 2
Total4.2 / 10

My Review and Suggestions:

He was born as a result of the article called Satoshi Nakamoto.

  • Satoshi Nakamoto is a pseudonym used by the creator of Bitcoin in his whitepaper.

  • Your explanation is too shallow, study the discussion more deeply, so you can add more information to your post.

  • You didn't answer the questions given completely.

  • Use function bold for some words that need to be highlighted.

Thank you!

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