Steemit crypto academy Contest S11W4/Cryptographic News and Events

in hive-108451 •  last year  (edited)
Greetings to all steemians it's my first post in this community i hope that i will explain all points well So let's begin.I would like to take part in the contest organized by #SCA Community

Cryptographic News & events.png
edited by canva

Can news effect cryptocurrency prices?

Yes News can influence cryptocurrencies.can as it can change investor's sentiments and market trends Also many people are not well informed about cryptocurrencies so it is just like spreading a rumor on playground and it can make everyone react.If there is positive news about cryptocurrencies like new regulations or partnerships or a news like major financial institutions showing interest in incorporating cryptocurrencies into their services News like these can make price go up and can increase the demand .


On the other hand if the news is negative like security breaches like unauthorized access or hacking Incidents ,privacy concerns. these types of news can make the prices go down.

Between technical and fundamental analysis which affect price of an asset most

First of all we need to know what fundamental and technical analysis is.Just like other things there are two ways people can go for to checking the worth of cryptocurrencies.The first one which is checking the history of the prices and how these have changed in the past this made them help to figure out if the price of cryptocurrencies will go up or down in the future This is Technical analysis
On the other hand They will check the worth of cryptocurrencies by it's value that wether it's overvalued or undervalued and market trends by checking the demand of it and financial health and other qualitative and quantitative factors.


This is fundamental analysisSo when people analyze the value of cryptocurrencies They choose these two ways fundamental and technical analysis in simple words
they look at what happened before to guess what might happen after. And they also check what makes it special to check if it's valuable or not.
I believe that Fundamental analysis can affect the price most as fundamental analysis focus more on technology adoption and market demand which can significantly effect the overall price of cryptocurrencies.Also time not always remain the same as this is technological and very fast era so there is not much surety when it comes to technical analysis that what happened in past will happen in future.
But some traders may rely on Technical analysis while other may priorities fundamental analysis .It ultimately depends on the individuals traders strategy and preference.

Events such as massive selling of coins burning of coins and the introduction of new tools for a blockchain among other.Does it affect the price of cryptocurrencies?If yes then explain with example?

The answer is Yes events such as massive selling of coins burning of coins and the introduction of new tools for blockchain can impact the price of cryptocurrencies.
When there is a large ammount of selling of coins it will increase the supply in the market.and demand will be decreased and decrease in demand will drop the price.
When it comes to burning of coins when some of existing supply are permanently removed it will off course increase the price of remaining coins as it will increase the demand.
And introducing new blockchain tools among others will also result in the increase of demand and will obviously result in raising of prices.if these tools enhance the working and usefulness of the blockchain it will become more attractive to users.
Events can have Big impact on the Prices lf cryptocurrencies .Let me explain with an example If a popular social media Platform integrates Steem and allow users to earn token through their contents more people will participate and it will surely increase the demand for steem and increase in demand is directly proportional to price of steem.
As we can see now as soon as the demand will increase the price of steem will also increase in future and the future will be of steems.

Investigate about a news that affected cryptocurrencies market?

i investigated a news In 2010 .When a bitcoin creator Satoshi Nakamoto burned approximately 1 million coins. source
. It reduced the demand of supply and contributed in the increase of Bitcoin's value.

Bitcoin price and MT Gox incident
negative information has a larger and more significant impact on bitcoin prices than positive information. An increase in tension was observed in late 2013 and early 2014, which was related to the Mt.Gox incident. Approximately 70% of all bitcoin transactions were processed through the MT Gox exchange. During this period, around $450 million worth of Bitcoins disappeared from user accounts and Mt Gox temporarily halted all Bitcoin transactions on February 7, 2014.

Can crypto market be manipulated give your understanding on it?

Unfortunately Yes crypto market can be manipulated.As the cryptocurrency market is small as compared to other traditional markets and also there are not many rules in this market


So Sometimes some people or groups try to cheat through "pump and dump " schemes where they artificially make the prices very high and sell their money at once for their own benifit of getting a lot of money causing other to suffer losses so it is important for investers to investigate crypto market first an then make investment although regulators are trying best to make strict rules so that manipulation not become possible in cryptocurrencies market .
I would like to invite
@mahnoor22 @crowd1 @goodybest

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Hello @vickyson! Your exploration of how news impacts cryptocurrency prices is insightful. Indeed, news can sway investor sentiment and cause market shifts. Your differentiation between technical and fundamental analysis highlights their distinct effects on asset prices, with fundamental analysis particularly relevant in today's dynamic technological era. Your explanation of events like coin burning and the introduction of new tools affecting cryptocurrency prices is well-founded, and your examples vividly illustrate their impacts. The example of Satoshi Nakamoto's coin burn and the MT Gox incident demonstrate the profound influence of news on Bitcoin's value. Your acknowledgment of market manipulation reflects the challenges of this evolving space. Great insights! 👏📈📰

You provided valuable insights into the impact of news on cryptocurrency prices, discussed the influence of fundamental and technical analysis, and explained how events like coin burning and new tools can affect prices. You also highlighted the MT Gox incident and the potential for market manipulation. Your article received a rating of 5.5/10 with some suggestions for further analysis. Best regards


Congratulations! Your post has been upvoted through steemcurator07. Good post here should be..


Curated by : @wilmer1988

@waqarrubab, your detailed post about the influence of news, analysis, events, and market manipulation on cryptocurrency prices is insightful and well-explained. You've covered a range of factors that can impact the crypto market, from positive news affecting sentiment to the significance of fundamental and technical analysis. Your examples, such as the integration of Steem with a social media platform and the MT Gox incident, provide a clear understanding of these concepts in action. Additionally, your recognition of the potential for market manipulation highlights the importance of careful consideration before investing. Well done on your first post in the community! 🚀

Hola 👋
Este tipo de investigaciones nos va a ayudar sin duda alguna estar más capacitado Para no caer en la trampa de la manipulación y para saber cómo actuar Al momento de tomar una decisión que tenga que ver con criptomonedas.

Te felicito por tu gran esfuerzo esperemos que sigas aprendiendo y participando éxitos y bendiciones

Hola Waqaruubab 😊

Veo que eres un usuario nuevo, por lo que te recomiendo ciertas cosas para que tengas mas exitos en tus tareas. Primero, hacer mejor uso del markdown y segundo investigar mas a profundidad, de modo que puedas explicar de una forma mas clara y sencilla todo.

Espero que este consejo te sea util. Saludos

thanks for sharing your knowledge with us about the respective topic but you participated in the engagement challenge by sharing your brief knowledge which requires some more research but over all I don't disagree with anything that you have explained

You have superficially talk about news impact as well as creation of new tool at blockchain selling and burning of coins effect on cryptocurrency as well as manipulation effects on cryptocurrency and many more I wish you success in your entry

Conocer el proyecto detrás del criptoactivo, sus objetivos, el equipo de trabajo, su utilidad y posible demanda, su sostenibilidad en el tiempo, su trayectoria, son elementos esenciales del análisis fundamental que impactan mucho la toma de decisiones. El análisis técnico nos permite determinar el valor probable en el futuro próximo midiendo el comportamiento más reciente.

Gracias por compartir, mucha suerte y feliz día.