When I join heartchurch community, I had no idea of what farm land was all about but I got to understand more about it after checking out the website and reading some blog post. I am loving the project already. I think many people will love this pending game. Just like me and many people the love game, sport, and entertainment, that is why Axie Infinix got and Chilis Blockchain got a lot of attention because of it area of concentration and this has lead to it growth. I think very soon heart farm will get a lot of attention which will lead to it growth. Telos Blockchain is experiencing huge development and also TLOS token price is increasing. They started from almost nothing and now experience growth.
Concerning the Heart❤ token, I won't be surprise if the value sky rock just as AXS token. As at January 2021, AXS token value was 0.6. Yesterday, AXS reached it all time high of $164.58.
I had to first create a telos account before have a change to participate. Thanks to @darlenys01 for Heart❤ and Tlos I used in participating in the land auction.