in hive-108514 •  4 years ago 


The Holy Spirit reveals that as the end of the world approaches, knowledge will greatly increase
The world has witnessed an unprecedented increase in knowledge, particularly in the last two decades.

Knowledge made available through studies in humanities, technology, and science has become so advanced that human capacity for discovery, creativity, and invention is at its highest level in history.

If knowledge is power, then increased knowledge is a weapon that is highly desirable for doing exploits and achieving results. Secular, Consequently, and Christian individuals and organizations now favor intellectual knowledge and methods and advanced as the means for achieving success in life and ministry, and place a premium on those who are strong in this area.

God in His infinite wisdom seems to prefer the use of ordinary or weak vessels in achieving His divine purpose.

Just imagine what He accomplished with ordinary vessels like the aged Abraham, Joseph the slave and prisoner, Moses the murderer, Samson the one-man army, Rehab the harlot, Samuel the little boy, David the forgotten shepherd boy, Ruth the poor widow, Esther the orphan in captivity, Joseph the carpenter, Mary the ordinary village girl, the disciples who were mostly uneducated fishermen, and a host of orders.

Not many wise people from human perspective, powerful and noble birth are called of God to accomplish a purpose; but rather, God chooses the foolish things of this world to confound the wise, and He uses the weak and ordinary things to amaze the mighty ones.

Does the world see you as weak or foolish? Are you considered not important in the scheme of things? I have good news for you: you are a candidate for God’s use.

Why does God prefer to use weak vessels? It’s because He does not want His mighty deeds attributed to human ability. He does not want anyone to boast in His presence.

God's awesome feats done through weak vessels are indeed astounding. Samson the untrained civilian used the jawbone of a donkey to kill a thousand armed philistine soldiers.

While knowledge is good, only faith in God through Jesus Christ can result in supernatural and malicious advancements.

God wants our faith to stand in Him and not in the wisdom of men.

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