Love according to the biblesteemCreated with Sketch.

in hive-108514 •  3 years ago 

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The greatest of them is love
1 corinthians 13:13

Love is the conquering power in a world of hatred, strife and selfishness. she can do what no other virtue can do, in that sense she is the queen of graces. Love returns the insults with kindness and prays for mercy for its executioners.
He acts selflessly when everyone around him is yelling for his rights. He gives until he cannot give more.
A Hindu was guiding his elephant down the street, continually prodding to increase speed.
Suddenly the metal spike slipped from his hand and fell with a loud crash to the ground. The elephant, turning around, raised the goad with his trunk and returned it in his hand, love is like that.

In one of Aesop's fables, there was a contest between the sun and the wind over who could make a man take off his coat. the wind blew furiously, but the more it blew, the more the man tightened his coat. Then the sun made its rays on that man, and he took off his coat. I isolate him change his mind through the heat. Love is like that.
Sir Walter Scott once threw a stone at a stray dog, with such force and precision that he broke its leg. As Scott watched remorsefully, the dog limped up to him and licked the hand that had thrown the stone. Love is like that.

Stanton launched bitter invectives against Lincoln calling him vulgar lout and fox and the original gorilla, He said that he had to be crazy to go to Africa to look for a gorilla, when there was one in Springfield. Lincoln turned the other cheek, in fact later appointed Stanton as minister of war insisting that he was the most qualified man for the job.

When lincoln was assassinated, Stanton stood by the lifeless body, openly crying saying: here lies a greater ruler than the world has ever seen, lincoln had conquered him by turning the other cheek. love is like that. These methods have a certain amount of power. But the balance of power is on the side of love because, instead of deepening hospitality, love transforms enemies into friends.

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