Lesson 12
Memory Text: Revelation 14:6, 7
SABBATH: Sin became universal, & God gave the world His Son to die a universal death. His atoning death knows no caste, tribe, or race, it is for all. “He died the death we deserve so that we can live the life He deserves.” In His ministry, Christ gave us a universal gospel for a universal reform. Thus, the Bible became an object of universal truth. It tells us of His first advent & second advent—in Revelation.
SUNDAY: Nothing escapes the infinite eyes or “all-knowing” mind of God (Isa. 46:9, 10). In every age, He has sent out prophets to foretell His message & caution the world of a future judgement (Amos 3:7). Noah, Joseph, Jewish prophets, & John the Baptist all were His voice (2 Pet. 1:12, 2 Pet. 1:16-21). He gave us not fables but the “present truth” through His prophets (Rom. 3:23, 6:23; Eph. 2:8; Rev. 1:1-6).
MONDAY: The book of Revelation is a “revelation”—it tells us about the second advent of Christ & events that precedes it. The focus of the gospels is on the first advent of Christ, but Revelation tells us about end-time events & ends with the glorious return of Christ (Rev. 1:7; 11:5; 14:14-20; 19:11-18). All its chapters ends with the coming of Jesus as a deliverer (Rev. 5:12; 19:16; 17:14; 21:1-4; 22:12, 17, 20).
TUESDAY: All the chapters in the book of Revelation matters, but perhaps, chapter 14 is of great importance. In it is the “end-time” message for God’s people (Rev. 14:6-12). Christ is coming for a harvest (Matt. 13:37-43, Mark 4:29). The saved is symbolized with “ripe grains” & the wicked with “overripe grapes” (Rev. 14:14-20). As heralds of the gospel, SDAs are to share this hope (Rev. 14:6, 7).
WEDNESDAY: Christ yearns to save all. His end-time message bid us to “fear” God (to obey & think of Him, Rev. 14:6, 7; Prov. 3:7; Acts 9:31; 1 Pet. 2:17), & also glorify Him in our lives (Eccles. 12:13, 14; 1 Cor. 6:19, 20). All are accountable to God. All deeds are recorded. Our actions & faith in God is related to our fate in the judgement. We have to keep His Sabbath (Rev. 14:7; 4:11; Gen. 2:1-3; Exod. 20:8-11).
THURSDAY: God’s last solemn appeal is for His people to “come out of Babylon”—a place of heresy, confusion, idolatry, human works & man-made traditions (Rev. 14:8, 17:3-6; 18:1-4). Christ is sinless, He bids us to come & for Him to impute His holiness unto us. Sinful Babylon will fall but the holy city of God is eternal (Rev. 18:2, 4). SDAs are to share Christ for the world to embrace true worship (Rev. 14:7, 9-11).
FRIDAY: The holy oracles of God have been given to God’s remnant church to draw men to Christ. As God chose Israel to be a light to the nations, He has chosen the SDA church to proclaim the 1st, 2nd, & 3rd angel’s message to the world. God’s church is to sound the warning of the three angels to all parts of the earth. He bids them to be a light (Matt. 5:14; Mark 16:15). Nothing should hinder this work!
—Ellen G. White, Counsels for the Church, pp. 58, 59.
SDAs- Seventh-day Adventists
Remnant Church- Seventh-day Adventist Church
SUNDAY- Peter’s Present-truth Message
MONDAY- Revelation’s End-time Focus
TUESDAY- Revelation’s End-time Message
WEDNESDAY- Understanding God’s Message More Fully
THURSDAY- God’s Final Appeal
Discussion Questions
📌 How do the three angels’ messages of Revelation 14 identify the essence of the Seventh-day Adventist Church?
📌 Think about the Sabbath and the importance of what it represents. As we saw this week, the message it contains is so important that God commands that we set apart one-seventh of our lives in order to remember Him as our Creator and our Redeemer. Also, unlike a holy mountain or a holy city, we don’t have to go to it to worship. Every week, at about a thousand miles per hour (at least, near the equator), the Sabbath comes to us. How does this truth also help us to understand the importance of the day and what it points to?
📌 How can we explain the idea of the fall of Babylon, or the concept of the mark of the beast, in the most winsome way? That is, how can we present these truths in the least offensive way possible, even though we must understand that despite our best efforts some people will be offended?
For September 12-18. Happy Sabbath.
—Michael Adarkwah Agyemang