Lesson 1
Memory Text: Job 36:22
SABBATH: God was the founder, principal, & teacher of the first school on earth. “Garden of Eden was the school room, nature was the lesson book”, & Adam & Eve were the students (Gen. 1-3). Love was/is the basis of true education. Yet, Adam & Eve chose a different teacher. Ultimately, the first couple were banished. The creation story gives us insight into the meaning of a true “Christian education” (Ed, p. 20).
SUNDAY: The holy pair (Adam & Eve) were directly taught by the Creator in the Garden of Eden—the first classroom on earth. This type of education was to be a model for all generations (Gen. 2:7-23). God made them in a holy (His) image & gave them a holy work. As a tutor, God knew Adam’s potentials & sought for his happiness—He gave Him Eve & animal companions, & was close to them (Gen. 2:19-23).
MONDAY: Like every great tutor, God perfectly fashioned His class—Eden. Every bud & every bird was to Adam a lesson & great joy. “But a note of discord now marred the celestial harmonies” (Gen. 3). A cunning serpent sowed strife in Eden for the holy pair to abuse the power of “freewill” given them. This new tutor was the exact opposite of God (Gen. 2:16, 17; 3:1-6). He led Eve to sin through deception.
TUESDAY: Eve failed to take her lessons seriously & missed a key message (“surely die”, Gen. 2:17) which the tempter used for his advantage. Satan (the serpent) knew the exact command of God but was prepared to twist it (Gen. 3:2, 3), & preyed on the innocence of Eve (Gen. 3:4-6). God was close, but Eve failed to confer from God the truth of Satan’s words. Adam chose Eve over God (PP, p. 56).
WEDNESDAY: When the Great Teacher (God) saw His students had failed His test, He used the education before the fall to redeem them from eternal loss & ruin. It was also to “re-create the image of God in us”. Thus, we can still learn & know about God in the absence of God’s physical presence. Like Adam & Eve, we can draw closer to God in prayer, service, & diligent Bible studies (read 2 Pet. 1:3-11).
THURSDAY: In the classroom of Christ, there are no specially gifted students. There is equality—all who avails themselves for God will gain true knowledge, wisdom, & understanding for their divine calling & purposes on earth (2 Pet. 1 & 2). Howbeit, we must guard against false teachers & heresies, & must not rebel against authorities (2 Pet. 2:1-17; 10; Heb. 13:7, 17, 24).
FRIDAY: The Edenic Education before the fall depicts the meaning of true “Christian education”. God’s name was written on ever leaf, stone, & in the starry skies. Daily, the holy pair discovered some attractive lessons that filled their hearts with joy & love for God. Angels visited them & God taught them. All the mysteries of the world was familiar to them (Job 37:16). Adam named every creature.
—Ellen G. White, Patriarchs and Prophets, pp. 50, 51.
Ed- Education
PP- Patriarchs and Prophets
SUNDAY- The First School
MONDAY- Intrusion
TUESDAY- Missing The Message
WEDNESDAY- Regaining What Was Lost
THURSDAY- The Despisers Of Authority
Discussion Questions
📌 If God originally intended for school/work to be an opportunity for humans to encounter Him and His creation, are we still in keeping with God’s intention in our work today? How can we become better acquainted with God through our work (paid, educational, voluntary, ministerial, etc.)?
📌 When we consider the craftiness of Satan in the Garden of Eden, it is easy to become frustrated with our own human weakness. Adam and Eve knew God was close, and yet they accepted the serpent’s half-truth. How can we, who are removed from such close physical proximity to God, still find power from Him to help us to overcome temptation?
📌 Discuss the question of authority and why it is so important to obey that authority. What happens when the lines of authority become blurred? How can authority be abused, and how do we respond when it is?
For September 26-October 2. Happy First Sabbath of the Quarter.