We have an interesting account in Mark 10:21 of a man who eagerly sought to know from Jesus, what to do to inherit eternal life. Jesus gave him the list of things to do; he gladly responded by saying, “Master, all these things have observed from my youth”. Before he could think he had arrived, Jesus laid bare before him, one more thing he needed to do. No one arrives as long as you are on this side of creation; there is always something to do.
Your level of achievements notwithstanding, the commendation you have received from the Lord for a job well done notwithstanding; there is one more thing that you can do. Let no one hear you idly saying that there’s nothing more you can do. With your eyes tuned to the wavelength of heaven, you’ll soon discover it’s not over yet, there’s one more thing to be done.
There’s one more thing to be done for the furtherance of God’s kingdom. There’s one more thing to do to impact your world, there’s one more thing to do, for the buildup you need in your most holy faith. You can really never claim you’ve finished; because, there’s no end to loving God.
God never stops loving us and this love places a demand on us to get to know what next to do, as we seek to soar into new realms of His glory. It was the love Jesus had for the man in Mark 10:21 that prompted the one more thing Jesus sought for the man to do: “Jesus beholding him loved him and said…”
Jesus is still loving men today and He is evolving fresh instructions that makes for new realms of His glory and power. If we incline our ears to His Word and let His love rule our hearts, we will enjoy the freshness of His oil upon our lives and we will be endowed with fresh capabilities. It is one thing to be instructed by God for this “One more thing” and it is another to do it.
The man in Mark 10:21, received the Word, but he failed to do it and he lost out. For you; your case can be different. Whatsoever He tells you to do, go ahead and do it. He won’t tell you to do what He has empowered you to do. With every instruction, there is commensurate grace. Stay with His Word and enjoy His grace.