IMAGE: i.ytimg.com
The world we are in today came into place by the Word of God; He spoke and they were created. Today, all things are still upheld by the Word of His power. So much has to do with words; that, you cannot afford to toil with words. This was the understanding the Centurion had; when in Mathew 8:8, he beseeched the Lord to “speak the word only” for the healing of his servant. With the Word spoken, by the time he was returning home; he had people who ran to welcome him with the joyful news of the healing of his servant. Upon inquiry as to the time, the healing took place; he discovered that it was at the exact time the Word went forth from the mouth of the Master. Words no matter how simple could go with very far reaching effects. Words are not to be taken for granted.
There are all manner of positive and negative occurrences that goes with words spoken. The blessing Jacob stole when he outsmarted Esau to steal his birthright, was all conveyed in words. What Isaac his father did, was to speak a word into his life and so much came into place by the spoken word. Worlds are framed by words! By the time Esau the rightful owner of the “blessing” returned, it was too late, because the Word had gone forth and Isaac couldn’t retrieve it. Words are that powerful and tangible. Esau wept bitterly asking for any “reservation”; but, his father told him –
“where is he that hath taken venison, and brought it to me, and I have eaten of all before thou camest, and have blessed him? Yea, and he shall be blessed” (Genesis 27: 33).
It was not a matter of Isaac retrieving the blessing; because the word had gone forth. A blessing is a spoken word that enables you to prosper. Once it has gone out, it is a settled matter. Learn to live in God’s blessings by speaking God’s Word over your life every day. It’s not only when it is spoken by someone else into your life. “what sayest thou of thyself?” was the question that was put before John the Baptist and he spoke what the Word of God said about him. You can speak voraciously what God’s Word says concerning you and you will see yourself soaring in the realm of God’s blessings; because, words are very creative.
IMAGE: i.pinimg.com