Both criminals on their individual cross sinned and were rightfully judged. One joined the mocking crowd because he was about being a part of the crowd and wanted to let it known that he had no association with Jesus.
Like so many of us he did not respond to the love of God, repent and accept change. However, the other one was reflective. He did not allow himself to be swayed by popularity and the pressure of the crowd. For him, death was imminent and just in case there is something right about Jesus, he was willing to take the risk rather than to lose the possibility of life eternal. It was an act of courage on his part.
Dante says the hottest places in hell are reserved for those who maintain their neutrality in a period of moral crisis. Robert Kennedy said " Few men are willing to brave the disapproval of their fellows, the censure of their collogues, the wrath of their society.
Moral courage is a rarer commodity than bravery in a battle or great intelligence, yet it is the one essential, vital quality for those who seek to change the world, which yields most painfully to change.
The thief on the right hand of Jesus demonstrated courage, rebuked his companion, and parted company. He made confession, he admitted to his evils. " Don't you have any fear of God in your soul?. In a few hours and I will be dead, he said, 'we are getting what we deserve, but this man is being executed even though He is innocent!
Didn't you hear what the soldiers said about the whole trail, and Pilate found no fault in Him. Then he turned to Jesus and said
" lord , I believe in you!
Please remember me when you set up your kingdom.
The whole story in in Luke 23: 32-43,.
The thief ran unto Jesus and he was saved, we are to come to him just as we are.
Lets turn our eyes upon Jesus and He is ever ready to save us in our predicaments..
God bless you as you meditate you
Upon His word day and night.
Our lives will never be the same amidst all challenges.
@awuahbenjamin from #steemghana