If the Almighty God talked about good success in the book of Joshua, then this means that there is a bad success. As the Lord gives good success, Satan also can give his own which is a bad success. Satan took Jesus to a mountain and showed Him the glory of this world and asked Jesus Christ to worship him, promising that he could give Him all the glories of this world. Thank God the Lord Jesus will never worship Satan. Sadly, a lot of Christians are turning to worship satan just because they want to be successful. Several individuals partake in crime, money rituals, and all sorts of diabolical means to achieve success. That is actually bad success, success from satan and this is the kind of success that comes with sorrow.
When you obtain good success, the Lord will make you rich materially, spiritually, and in all other aspects of life. I do not know about you, but as for me, I want the type of success that the Lord gives because there is no sorrow attached to it. The reason why a lot of people don't choose the Lord's way to success is that they believe the Lord's path is difficult and the devil’s is easier. What satan gives you will in the long run fade away and won't be void of problems; only what the Almighty God gives will last, give you peace of mind, and keep you holy.
Joseph enjoyed good success of the Lord, though, he was a slave, yet the scriptures say he was successful because the Lord was with him. Daniel was a slave in the land of Babylon, but still, he became the chief of the governor over all the wise men in that kingdom since he was a man who feared God.
Josiah was just eight years old when he became king of Israel and as long as he obeyed the Lord, his reign was successful. King Saul, on the other hand, wanted the kind of success that the people gives; he wanted to be praised by people and to build earthly statues for himself but the latter end was destruction. I do not want you to desire the success that the people offer, which only brings you happiness for a little time; instead, desire the success that the Almighty God gives.