Having Eyes full of Adultery

in hive-108514 •  3 years ago 


We are daily inundated with news of men and women committing adultery on an unprecedented scale. As children of God, we should not be surprised, because the Holy Spirit already warned us that this would happen.

When you glance through the news headlines these days, you will realize that we live in perilous times where the sanctity of marriage means nothing to a lot of people.

Speaking on God’s standard on marriage for us, the Holy Spirit says in Hebrews 13:4

“Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge.”

The increase in adultery is a pointer to us that we are indeed in the last days. The reason why the Holy Spirit fore warned us of this is not just to keep us informed, but also to keep us in check from falling into the snare of the devil in this area.

God’s standard is not the same as the standard of the world, and that what is acceptable to the world is not acceptable to God.

Adultery is the result of character erosion that does not happen in one day. It is the product of hidden lusts in the heart which were not dealt with.

Adultery always starts as a suggestion from the devil or his agents, which if harboured in the heart of a fellow, snowballs into events which catastrophic consequences. One of the means by which the devil deposits such evil suggestions into the heart of a person is through the eye.

It could also mean having a warped mind that reads sensual or erotic desire into members of the opposite sex, no matter how modestly dressed they are.

The key thing is that a child of God should never yield to the suggestions of the devil.

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Thanks for this wonderful admonition,remain blessed