It always feels sad to see Christians, who should value the word of God, which is the source of our power and our defense, trivializing it as if they don't know what they stand to lose when they don't obey what is written in it, or the danger inherent in ignoring it. The word of God warns us against that kind an attitude in Hebrews 2:1.
When the word of God comes to a person, maybe in the form of prophecy by a man of God, through the written word, or by some other means, it is wise to pay close attention to it. The word of God comes for a lot of reasons and several purposes. When we read Jeremiah 33:1-9, we will see that the word of God was sent to the people of Judah for salvation and for the restoration of their freedom which had been lost to the Chaldeans.
At often in the Old Covenant, before the children of Israel went to war, the word of God would go forth declaring their victory over the enemy and that always settled the battle. Likewise, in our meetings, before the people begin to pray after the sermon has ended, the Lord through His spoken word would always have already settled their cases. The word of God comes at times to bring peace in times of trouble and like different cases in the Bible. When the Lord Jesus was in the boat with His disciples and the enemy was playing pranks through the storm, a word of peace calms the sea.
It is equally comforting to note that when a believer knows the word of God, the person receives spiritual cleansing. It is sad for any believer to run away from the undiluted teaching of the word of God by failing to read it or study it.