The righteousness of the Lord demands that anyone that sins would die as we see in Ezekiel 18:20. When we accept the Lord Jesus as our personal Lord and Saviour, He redeemed us from the life of iniquity, and finally everlasting death, blessing us with abundant life instead. Another truth I want to share with us is that the righteousness of the Lord doesn't permit an offender to be punished two times for one offense.
Since the Lord Jesus our Savior has suffered for our sins, we are set free and declared not guilty. As long as you don't go back to the sin again, once the Lord has forgiven you, your forgiveness is complete.
I am using this opportunity to urge you to come to the Lord Jesus today and He will set you free from your burden of sin. As a matter of fact, the cross Jesus Christ carried before His crucifixion was for you and me. The word of God let us know that if we say we have no sin in us, we are deceiving ourselves.
We deny ourselves the opportunity of the Lord the Burden Bearer if we decided not to come to Him and make Him the Lord of our lives.