To win souls for the Lord, you need the Holy Ghost and also you would also have to develop a thick skin. At times, you will be abused and even mocked for the sake of the gospel you are preaching. You need to ignore the insults and move on with preaching the gospel.
If you let the insults get into your head and fight back, the unbelievers will say And you call yourself a Christian. If you choose to stop preaching the gospel because of the insults, you would have permitted the enemy to win. A lot of times, the people scorning you are intentionally doing it.
When you are going to evangelize to souls, leave all the degrees that you had and accomplishments at home. When you get there if they accept the message of the gospel, great. If they scorn you, pray for them and depart. Some individuals have names they have been tagged within with their workplace or school because they keep preaching the good news. A lot of these unbelievers know for sure that what you are saying is the truth, all they want to do is to may you angry.
Winning souls is warfare in the light of the fact that the one who you are trying to snatch them from is a strong man and won't let them go easily. He will also attack you in diverse ways for trying to snatch souls from him. He will attack your ego to make you stop but you must not. When you compare the rejoicing that will occur in heaven over that single soul to the scorns, your ego won't matter.