David wrote that he become a stranger unto my people, and a foreigner unto my children because the zeal of thine house has eaten him up, and the reproaches of them that trouble you are fallen upon him. This is equally the regret of people who would live a righteous life in this evil world is becoming the normal thing of society while worldliness has become the order of modern-day Christendom.
It now seems as if the more unrighteous you are even as a minister, the more acceptable you would be to the people of the world and your congregation. This is why more people are accepting the slogan The end justifies the means and the most painful thing is that the unrighteous who were formally outside the Church aren't just in it today, but are also taking leadership positions. They are even criticized people that are trying to do more for the Lord.
We are the light of the world and no darkness can overcome us as long as we remain in the light of God.
Despite the persecutions, let us keep our eyes on Jesus Christ. The persecutions will certainly end at the second coming of the Lord Jesus. The Almighty God- is encouraging you to endure the present challenges of this world you may be passing through now.
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