YOUR LIFE IS BORROWED | 10% to @heartchurch

in hive-108514 •  3 years ago 


The sons of the prophets in 2 King 6:1-7 showed genuine concern when they lost an axe head that they had borrowed. In the wake of giving a valiant effort to recuperate it without progress, they figured it important to move toward the man of God, Elisha, for assistance. Unlike these men, many today are casual in the manner in which they handle different people's property in their possession, not worrying about the condition and welfare of such goods.

Indeed, a lot of people handle borrowed things that open them to harm or loss, either in light of the fact that they do not know their actual worth or they basically do not care. This situation reflects the human life, which God provided for us to put to productive use. Do you realize that your life is borrowed? What are you doing to make sure that your life isn't being wasted? Have you been reckless with your life since you did not know that it was borrowed and that the genuine proprietor will before long call for an audit?

It is a grounded truth in the Bible that we are carrying on with borrowed lives, and we will demand to give a proper record of all we have finished with our lives at a suitable time.

Everybody ought to prepare to give account to God since everything is set for the moment of reckoning. The story of the unrewarding worker, who was given one talent in Matthew 25:24-30, further underlines the significance of viewing life as a borrowed thing that should be appropriately represented in due time. Learn from this worker who returned his talent without creating any gain with it. He was truly reprimanded and alluded to as a wicked and indolent servant.

His excuse for being unrewarding wasn't accepted. Rather, he was dispossessed of his talent, proclaimed to be unfruitful, and was tossed into outer darkness to sob and grieve for eternity. Every ability, gift, or regular enrichment is given to you by God ought to be viewed as a heavenly investment to be painstakingly nurtured, gladly shown, and beneficially deployed in your daily life. How well would you say you are utilizing your life for Christ?

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