"In love there is no fear but perfect love casts out fear; for fear involves punishment, and he who fears is not made perfect in love "(I John 4:18).
Today and since the founding of the creation "The Fear" is one of the main behaviors that affront the human being (Genesis, 3: 9,10), which can be caused by situations of the past that are repressed, of present situations and also of destructive thoughts about the future.
Fear is an emotion proper to the human being. It is necessary for its survival because it indicates when the danger is near. It can be born of external or internal stimuli that inhabit its inner world such as bad memories, traumas, lacks, etc.
From the biological point of view, fear is an adaptive scheme, and it constitutes a mechanism of survival and defense, created to allow the individual to respond to adverse situations quickly and effectively. In that sense, it is normal and beneficial for the individual and for his species.
From the neurological point of view it is a common form of organization of the primary brain of living beings, and essentially consists of the activation of the amygdala, located in the temporal lobe.
From the psychological point of view, it is an affective, emotional state, necessary for the correct adaptation of the organism to the environment, which causes anguish in the person.
From the social and cultural point of view, fear can be part of the character of the person or of the social organization.
And I would add that from the spiritual point of view fear is lack of faith. Faith has two enemies that are doubt and disbelief. The first thing we should know is that the opposite of Faith is not doubt is fear. Because a person living in fear could not walk in faith since the result of fear is doubt, fear has as much power as faith but in a negative way.