The Believer should only attend a church that teaches Christ.
Nothing more or less. thing we need to know is that the ultimate goal of the church is to be *CHRISTOCENTRIC”nothing more, nothing less.
Christocentric means to be christ centered.
This also tells us that the focus of the church is not GENERIC but SPECIFIC.
Specific in the sense that, it has one focus and that focus is JESUS CHRIST.
When a church doesn't have Jesus as it's focus, it will welcome pervasion.
The Believer should attend a church that teaches Christ in totality and in accuracy.
This is the only place the Believer can grow.
When a church begins to preach demons and law and a believer is there, see ehn...the Believer cannot grow.
You can't grow in a church who will be teaching you the organizations, self made doctrine and operations of demons.
Hellooooo!!! God gave us a command to cast out demons and study their operations.
Some study their operations and even know their names
You are directly breaking the scriptures.
You can't grow in that kind of church.
If a church doesn't teach the doctrine of Jesus Christ, be rest assured the kind of Christians that, that church will produce are “WEAK CHRISTIANS"
They can never be strong and effective in the Lord.
I say this with respect and boldness that many pastors need to understand that the church is a school and the course we come to learn in this school is "CHRISTOLOGY"*
(Christology is the study of Christ).
If Jesus is not what we study and all that we study are principles and laws of this and that...
We would be releasing weak Christians.
Jesus is the only message of the church.
In preaching Christ, the Believer and the church at large need to understand that preaching Jesus is not in condemnation.
It is in reconciliation.
We would loose more men and we would render the power of the gospel of Jesus powerless if we preach condemnation.
Because condemnation is not what wins a man but reconciliation (love).
May the lord lead us all.