Hello Ladies and Gentlemen peace be with you all, am delighted to share with you again the word of God today.
Many Christians wonder around and forget the supremacy of God and hence suffer in the hands of wicked people. Brethren the Lord we serve is a living God. The story of the Israelites is a tepical example to all Christians, God had the power to let them go straight and inherit the Land of Cannan. But rather he sent them to the land of Egypt for them to learn certain things and had some testimonies.
Even after God send Moses to rescue them from the hands of the Egyptians, a journey for which they can use 40 days to travel. Instead they use over 40 years for that journey. God did that to them so that he will prepare them for them to know Him and have testimonies about God. God did all that in order to select the right people for them to reach the Land of Cannan.
The same implies our life on this earth as a Christian, sometimes God leave us to go into certain situations in order to prepare us for the blessings ahead of us and also have testimonies. Doing so to us help us to mature in faith n Him.