in hive-108514 •  5 years ago 

Our level of financial success is determined by who we are. If we are not financially successful, it is because of who we are. If we want to become more, achieve more,produce more and possess more,it begins from inside us; it begins with who we are. The reason why Mary men and women are not financially successful is because they haven't developed a personality which attracts money. A Wise man said that the principle you of financial success is be,do have. Who you are determines what you do and this is see eventually responsible for the results you produce in your life.

If you are not producing the kind of financial results you desire in your life,it is not because of the economy, your company, your spouse or your family. It is because you don't have the right picture of financial freedom inside you. You see money as something which comes from outside of you, but money is a
ctually produced from within of you (3 John 1:2). Your prospect start inside of you not outside of you. Money is an inner game. You may look pious on the outside but be totally confused inside about what you want out of life and how you plan to get it. You inner state determines who you are and what you become in life.

What really determines your financial level in life is your inner passion,belief,fears, faith,doubts, convictions and general philosophy of life. If you secretly habour a belief in poverty, you will manifest poverty in your life. On the other hand,a strong belief in the possibility of becoming wealthy will cause you to do the things that the poor do not do. You will be motivated to think, work and create financial opportunity where the financial challenged see nothing but despondency.

Finally, the secret to your financial future lies in the quality of ideas you can generate, encourage and perpetuate in your mind. Money is a mind game.

Next step will be ( TRADE YOUR TALENT). Thank you all and God bless you.

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