This people have I formed for myself; they shall shew forth my praise. (Isaiah 43:21)KJV
Hear God talking about you and I, He says He has formed us for himself and we will show forth his praise. No wonder he gives us mouths that can speak, hands that can clap and feet that can dance. A heart also that can think about his wonderous works and give the glory back to him. We are altogether designed for his praise and his praise alone. This indeed is the first destiny of every man.
Now the question is, do all men realize this? Or do we even agree with it? The truth is, whether we agree or not, God is always true. It is true that we all are his people, and he created us for his praise. This simply means that we are not created for ourselves, my mouth is not mine, and your eyes are not yours , they are the Lord’s and must always be used for him. In other words, we must never say, it’s my life, so I’ll live it the way I want. Oh no! It’s not yours, but His. Amen!
Although these body parts are useful to us and serve us in many good ways, we must not be content with this alone, we must deliberately ensure that they serve God even more than they serve us. What does this mean? My hands for instance, should spend more time doing what pleases God than what pleases me. My eyes should spend more time gazing at things that glorify Him, instead of looking at things that gratifies me. This way, I would be fulfilling destiny and at the same time, preparing myself another home when this my earthly house, that is, my body collapses.
People who don’t know how to praise God have missed it in life, they have failed in fulfilling destiny. They may be rich now, but they will soon be wretched. The world may hail them as the most wise, but to God, they are the most foolish of all men. Why? Because they failed to fulfill destiny, they failed to praise their Maker. They thought they are hear to make money, not knowing that they are here to make praise, praise unto God alone.
But as for you, O man of God, “If ye know these things, happy are ye if ye do them” (John 13:17) KJV. God bless you richly as you begin to praise him with your spirit, soul and body. Shalom!
Thanks for reading and upvoting. Remain blessed.