Evil Places Us Far From God

in hive-108514 •  3 years ago 


Psalms 5: 4 For you are not a God who takes pleasure in wickedness; The bad will not live with you. One of the characteristics of God is his great love and immense goodness, and this fully demonstrates his position in the face of evil.

Evil is characteristic of those who are not led by the Holy Spirit of God. Through this verse we must clearly understand that God will never agree to or let an evil act go by, and that if a person is inclined to practice such acts, then he will be far from his presence.

Then we must clearly identify what specifically these acts of evil are so as not to fall into them or make them part of our lives. Anyone who has not given his life to God can be part of the evil can be an easy target to be taken by desires and actions outside the will of God, those who practice things contrary to what God orders are in evil.

The bible gives us many examples of the wickedness that God observes on earth: Genesis 6: 5 And the LORD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.

The man away from God, only becomes an easy prey of the sin that distances him more and more from his presence, because of that lack of relationship with our creator is that this emptiness and that anxiety of man is generated to seek that which It is necessary, but he seeks it wrongly, he will never be satisfied because his hunger is spiritual but he cannot understand it because he is immense in evil and sin. Envy, selfishness, gossip, lack of love, betrayal, usury, injustice, fornication, idolatry, adultery, homosexuality, corruption, greed, are some examples of sin and evil that separate us from our creator .

Let us seek more communion with God each day and turn away from everything that robs us of intimacy with him, let his transformative work sanctify our bodies and ask to present ourselves before him as a true sacrifice of love for his name.

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But one way you can get back to God is if you repent of your sins