Many of us believe in God, we serve him, we believe in his salvation and in the sacrifice of Jesus, we decide to completely dedicate your life to God, but still do not believe that He can help you to do something different from what others have done. the rest.
Let's go to his word:
James 5
17 Elijah was a man subject to passions similar to ours, and he prayed fervently that it would not rain, and it did not rain on the earth for three years and six months.
Because we got this at his word, because simply because God wanted to make it clear to us that no matter who we have been or how little or how much we have, He can transform our lives in wonderful ways.
Elijah did great deeds because he believed God, that's why God used him, and that's what He wants you and me to know, so that we let His Holy Spirit move freely through us.
Let us never ignore that it is not us but the power of God acting in us, that is why people with virtues and defects can be used by God, because in his hands we become his instruments and he fills our mouth and our mind with what we must say and do.
God can do everything, that's why he transforms us and makes us according to what he has placed in each one of us. Do not be yourself who sets the limits but rather open your arms, your mind and heart, and receive everything that God has reserved for you.
We are his instruments, his beloved children, no matter what we have done before, if we turn away and throw our lives away to God, He will be willing to use us and support us as he did with Elijah.