The Best thing that ever Happened to You

in hive-108514 •  3 years ago 

The memories that we are accumulating in our life, are becoming moments that when we have enjoyed them, they are recorded and we long to repeat them.
I think that all of us at some point have wanted to return to places or people, and when they are good things, we understand them more.

So when we take a look at our life, at those people we want to always be with, those moments we always want to live, we can say this has been the best or at least one of the best things that has ever happened to me.

Can you imagine that when someone thinks of you, they think it was the best thing that ever happened to me.

Wow, what a thrill, and for this it is not necessary for us to go around trying to please others, satisfying their wishes or forgetting about ourselves to serve others.

By simply practicing love, mercy, favor, grace, that is, by simply bringing the gospel of Jesus, we are giving someone else a new life. Rest assured that that person will someday say it is the best thing that has happened to me and in that memory you will be, immersed, and receiving gratitude for being the instrument that God used for that purpose.

I think we should live thinking about it, every song of ours can change someone else's help. People may forget it perhaps, but God will never forget it and so the Holy Spirit will remind you when necessary.
Get ready to be a better version of yourself so that others can also notice and enjoy it.

And what is the best thing that has happened to you?

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