in hive-108514 •  4 years ago 


Jesus also had to face a difficult situation when the people chose to release Barabas and not Him. Surely the feeling of rejection was terrible after they had done so much good and they preferred to release a murderer. Where were the ten lepers, the woman who saved from being stoned, the Gadarene, the young man to whom he returned his sight, and so many others? Everyone was afraid but nothing and no one was superior to God's plan.

What Satan was looking for was that the heart of Jesus would be filled with bitterness because in this way he had sinned, the project of salvation would be spoiled and he would not have been promoted to the right of the Father, but He did not fall into temptation. Even nailed to the cross, between two thieves, he said to the Father, full of compassion, forgive them because they don't know what they do, That is our leader and we must imitate him! Satan will try to prevent you from growing up and will seek to make your heart fill with resentment because someone rejected you, maybe your dad or your mom, maybe you see your spouse, your mother-in-law, your brother or a friend, but don't allow it, it's just a strategy to get away from your destination. No matter what happens.

Ask God for strength to overcome rejection and pain, ask Him to heal your heart, to be balm for your wounds.

Do not complain about problems when you go through difficult times, think with faith: This is not my destiny, it is only the way and I will resist because my Father has excellent plans for me.


Unpleasant things happen even when we are good. Jesus had done nothing wrong to deserve suffering, like the one he suffered; yet he endured it because the promise was greater than the difficulty. It does not matter if it is a manger, in the well where Joseph was, in the desert or in the cave of adulam: Wherever you are, seek God and give him your circumstance so that he can help you overcome it, convinced that you are his son and Does not abandon you. Your faith must sustain you in adversity; trust God and trust yourself because you are one of his wonders.

If at this moment you are facing a difficult process, take the right attitude that is the one that will help you obtain good results. Thank the Lord for the good plans he has for your life and strive to achieve them.


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