What is trust?
Trust is having a personal belief in a person for what the individual is or has become.
Trust deals with two people in this setting.
Some human being put their trust on human thereby end up being disappointed by the individual,
Have you ever gotten to a point whereby you have being disappointed by the one who you trust the most because of you trusted them with everything?
It will be so disheartening to know when they break your trust.But Jesus Christ is asking us to trust on him because his the only one we can put our trust on.
God has asked us to trust on him because his the only one that is capable of doing what an individual cannot do
Someone that trust in Jesus can never be put to shame,you might think it's taking time to see the results but just have patience and keep on trusting him,you will get the end product
You can't trust God and be looking for other means,you need to trust him completely and wholly
Some trust in God partially because they believe that their work will speak for them
Jesus Christ is calling out to all to trust him wholly and sincerely if only you can
When you trust in God completely,your mind will be satisfied and the peace of God will dwell in you and you will be fine and within that challenges you are facing,you will have no option to doubt but trust God wholeheartedly.