Arise and Shine

in hive-108514 •  5 years ago 

The word arise is a command of a critical order from above, it is a demand of the highest order, the voice of God is demanding your arising to what God had created for you to be, until you hear the voice calling you, you may remain unfulfilled, behind every fulfillment there is a voice.


What it means to arise?

  • To arise is to ascend (go up)

  • It also mean to mount up

  • To arise means to climb

  • To arise means to progress

  • To arise means to grow

  • To arise means to proceed (keep moving)

From creation we were designed to progress=>>( Genesis 1:26-28, Psalms 8: 6)
you life is to command meaningful advancement and improvement, we have been wired by divinity to make constant progress.

Arise is a called to fulfill God's potential in you, you were not created empty, you came to the world loaded, no child of is without the gifting of God, you were sent to solve problems and give direction to those that are helpless, you need to fulfill the mandate by arising to responsibility.

Isaiah 60:1 =>> Arise, shine: for your light has come! and the glory of the Lord is risen upon you.

According to the scripture, your rising is the function of the light you received, the quality of your light is determine by the revelational knowledge you received, how far you go in life will be made possible by the quality of light.

You have been called to arise to contend with what is contending with you,

Why I need to arise

  • Because it my set time to arise
    => psalm 102:13

  • Because I have stayed too look in that place.=>> Deuteronomy 1:6-8

  • Because I have a mandate to fulfill =>>Esther 4:14

  • Because the Lord wants me to arise
    =>>Mark 5:41

  • Because my generation await my rising =>> Romans 8: 19

  • I can't fail because if I fail, generation shall fail.

what are you rising to

  • You are rising to responsibility, because every blessing await you in certain a junction, don't fold you hand arise and do something.

  • You are rising to good works, always be a blessing to someone no matter how poor or rich you are.

  • You are rising to your rising place, there is a place for you in life that you rise to.

  • You are rising to life no more death

  • You are rising to your position in Christ Jesus
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