Text: Ps.91:3-4
"Surely, He shall deliver you fromghe snare of the fowler, and from the noisome pestilence. He shall cover you with His feathers, and under His wings shall you trust: His truth shall be your shield and buckler".
Why some believers run from pillar to post looking for protection today is either because of fear of the unknown, devil and his cohort; ignorance of the word of God/lack of or due to disobedience to God's ability to keep His own guarantees peace. God is sovereign; He controls the history of the world (our lives inclusive). Just as Jesus calmed the waves, He will calm whatever storm that comes across our way.
The word DIVINE relates to or coming from God, supernatural power or deity. PROTECTION refers to the act of protecting or being protectedband preserved from injury or harm. Therefore, DIVINE PROTECTION means the act of being protected and preserved by a supernatural power or deity I.e "The Almighty God"
Some measures always put in place by man to ensure protection could be physical or spiritual. These could be in form of gadgets as personal, iron protectors in the home or the use of security personnel. Many people believe that without some spiritual back-ups, their lives are in dangers hence, they seek such powers outside that which God can give. "Except the Lord keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain....."Ps. 127:1