in hive-108514 •  3 years ago 

Infinity of people seek in life to satisfy something that they feel is empty and they need to fill it but they do not know how, since they seek to earthly satisfy this emptiness with the things that people normally believe. However, that emptiness is always there without being able to fill it

Look; There are people who live economically well, they have a family, they are healthy, they have been able to create goals and achieve objectives, they are earthly prosperous and they have even reached "success" and they are even famous people but they have a very big hole in their hearts and they cannot understand that they lack ; Well I want to tell you that that emptiness is only filled by God because precisely you were born to worship God and when you don't you can have everything but if he is not in your life there is an incomprehensible emptiness since earthly things do not fill a heart that was made for the sky.


Job 8: 13-15
Such are the paths of all who forget God, and the hope of the wicked will perish, because his confidence is fragile, and his security is a spider's web. He trusts his house, but it doesn't hold up; he clings to it, but it doesn't last.

Trust in man and the vanities of life is a fleeting and fragile moment but the one who trusts in God will remain forever because all those who forget God will not be able to understand that they are lacking because that emptiness will always be there waiting for the mercy of God who is the only one who can fill it there is no other way to explain why so many successful people get depressed and anxious according to them having "everything" and end in tragedy.

Earthly things do not last forever, they are like shooting stars that come and go, so there cannot be continuous and lasting satisfaction but when we live our life filling it with God, obviously our destiny will be different and even if we do not have many earthly things or many prosperous things, we feel peace in our hearts and that emptiness God fills it because it is God who fills everything

All of us were created to worship God to enjoy his presence through his word and his promises and this is truly the reason why we were created.
Remember that earthly things do not fill a heart that was made for heaven; a heart that was made for heaven is filled only by God

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This is because God lives in that heart and everything in ere and even mand thought is controlled by him