in hive-108514 •  5 years ago 

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When Jesus Was on Earth Sick and disabled people were healed, mental illnesses expired and stolen goods were returned. The murderers confessed and the broken marriages were restored. Marked by the transformation of lives and relationships. It is sure that in this time it is what follows a revival just as our savior did, he said: greater things than I did you will do.

If we could only believe in our hearts that Jesus has the power to give us what we need to achieve that purpose that we come to fulfill, in ancient times they all did it because the verb made flesh gave them victory, and today that verb continues to give hope. On earth, there is still a way to go.

Jesus alone shows us the way out of darkness. He is God’s power that leads to salvation (Romans 1:16). He reconciles all that is broken and not right. So we need never lose courage, even when the world is so terribly torn apart, or when we do not foresee a quick redemption from our own sins. We must not lose heart because of God’s delay. God has sealed the world with the name of Jesus. If this were not the case we would have all perished in our need long ago.Our battle cry is: “Jesus is the victor.” This cry must be heard again and again, especially in our day. For Jesus was given authority over dark forces while on earth and he continues to exercise that authority in the here and Jesus Is the Victor!

He Overcomes the Darkness
now (Colossians 2:9). Our attitude should be: “Just wait until you have been
wrested from the clutches of darkness and your eyes are opened—then you
will believe!” When we have this attitude we will be the first fruits, light and
salt, pioneers for the others.

Light is possible for every pit of despair. This light is love. The gospel is
God’s love in our darkness. With every word of the gospel, God lays claim
to the darkness, a loving claim.Hallelujah-Jesus is the victorious king, there is nothing he cannot solve, it is the perfect offering, in these moments of anguish and uncertainty, a time of pandemic we must look at the King who conquered on the Cross.


Revelation 1:18
and he who lives, and was dead; and behold, I am alive for ever and ever, and I have the keys of death and of Hades.

Victory is by the grace of God and we must honor and thank unmerited favor, just as Jesus loved us to die on the cross, so we must love one another. Every problem, every difficulty we can overcome in his name, let us place crowns at his feet. The Apostle John in the revelation of the Apocalypse contemplates God the Father with a book sealed with seven seals, but nobody could open or look. Juan was heartbroken, until one of the elders comforts him and says: “Don't cry. Behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the root of David, has overcome to open the book and untie its seven seals. And I looked, and saw that in the midst of the throne and of the four living creatures, and in the midst of the elders, there was a Lamb standing as it were slain ”(Revelation 5: 5-6). Jesus became the Lamb of God, the only one who could remove the curse from all humanity.

If today you see no way out of what you live in your house, in the community or in the world, believe in the one who turned the curse into a blessing and achieves a miracle of faith.Trusting in this glorious truth, we can always raise him up as an "emblem of victory", even if we suffer problems, struggles, and illnesses of this time. "My problem can never be greater than my Helper." While we know that we live in this evil world, we have the Victor of Golgotha ​​by our side. For this reason, the first letter of John says: “Little children, you are from God, and you have overcome them, because greater is he who is in you than he who is in the world. 1 John 4: 4.

Remember: when Jesus said it was finished, He took power from Satan over the earth, over the children, and wrested victory from His church.





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Great post! God bless