in hive-108514 •  5 years ago 

The crisis is an unfavorable and depressing state that leads us to very painful situations, that is to say, it is a difficult and very dangerous state to make decisions and generally they are tribulations that spiritually hit our lives since in the crisis it is that we really know who are in our side.


In this situation many people are disappointed and feel hurt and susceptible when they can sadly look at those who are with them in the middle of that difficult time. However, it is very important to be alert to our emotions at that time in order to discern what we really must do at this time.

It should be noted that it is very true that there are few people we find loyal when we are going through crisis because if loyalty is a condition of the soul a feeling of respect and fidelity for people who have been by our side and that we consider honoring and helping at the right moments.

Gratitude is also a state that guides you to loyalty but unfortunately the human condition always fails in this regard because it is very easy to be loyal when you have the means and willingness to be that when you lack them or when someone can easily give you what You want if no limitation.

It is in the midst of the crisis that you can know who are loyal because the loyalists really remain by your side but the ungrateful and disloyal are separated when they no longer have what satisfies their appetites or when they can no longer get the benefits you have been providing.

We can look at this situation on a personal, collective, secular and spiritual level, since many are by your side when they take advantage of you but when they are no longer disappear from your life but I want to tell you that God honors loyalty and God's men and women that we carry in our hearts we also honor loyalty.

I want to reflect on this verse

Philippians 4: 3
I truly beg you to help these {women} who have shared my struggles in {the cause} of the gospel, together with Clement and the other collaborators of mine, whose names are in the book of life.
(New American Standard)


In this verse Paul refers to fidelity for two women who fought strongly with Him in the gospel, I think this is never forgotten when we have people by our side who help us and motivate us to persevere even when they know there is a financial crisis and They help us in our dreams and projects because they recognize their loyalty and gratitude.

I have had many loyal people by my side although I recognize that I have also had disloyals but I believe that the loyal ones although they have been few have made me feel happier than the many disloyal ones.
Gratitude and loyalty make us great make us happy because it is reciprocal and is a condition of the soul that honors God primarily.

If you are faithful to God you do not have to worry in the midst of the crisis because He will be with you God honors the faithful and loyal hearts



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