in hive-108514 •  4 years ago 


We tend to believe that when we are going through a bad time, a circumstance negative to what we expect, we come to believe in our hearts that God is not with us, that he has abandoned us.
That perception causes hopelessness, anguish, fear and all those negative emotions that do not come from God.

It should be the opposite, when this happens is when we must cling to God who can do everything, exercise faith and overcome those tests, obstacles in the way.We cannot focus on the natural, but on the supernatural because otherwise we would not be believing what we preach.

I think that each test, each obstacle that is presented to us is to overcome and in each of them we have a loot, a prize, it is like a battle between good and evil, in what we believe, how much the glory of the Lord weighs In our lives, when the bad moment arrives we run away, for that is that we must strengthen ourselves every day in the holy spirit, Jesus said that in the bad day he will deliver us.

There are many who believe that the covid-19 is its end, a divorce, an illness, an accident, but today I come to tell you that not even death is an obstacle for those who believe, God has defeated death, and there is more life beyond her.

Sometimes we wonder in the midst of pain where God is, if only we knew that he never leaves us, it is not to be insensitive to what happens but beyond the calamity there is the spirit to comfort us and lead us to make correct decisions.

In my struggles and trials I have been victorious, stronger because I have put my trust in God, I have dedicated myself to love him above all things, we have cried together, we have laughed together and we have enjoyed ourselves together, one heart. Because our relationship cannot be conditioned by giving, by obtaining from God, we are wrong, we obtain everything because of his grace, his goodness and our purpose is to adore him.

Jesus, meeting you was my luck, now loving you is a pleasure.

In my mind I have a question for many, what does it feel like when you know that it is God who gives you something from his hand?
Have you ever experienced it?
It is the most extraordinary sensation that exists, it is the fullness of the deity that invades our tripartite being, it is ... touching the sky.

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excellent word God is always speaking to us, and I can say that God has spoken to me at this moment with this powerful word. For these times much more we must cling to God He gives us strength and opens steps on our way to move forward, let's say believing his word which never fails. Amen blessings ✨✨ @darlenys01

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Hola @darlenys01, una de las cosas más difíciles de la vida de un creyente es el hecho de ser discípulo de Cristo, ya que a pesar de las pruebas debemos dar buen testimonio y salir airosos de la situación adversa que estamos pasando. Pero cuando estamos atribulados, podemos hacernos muchas interrogantes con respecto a lo que Dios permite que pase en nuestras vidas.
Pero si conocemos la palabra, podremos comprender que él es Soberano, que él es dueño de todo lo que ha creado, lo que existe y que siempre actuará conforme a su justicia y no conforme a nuestros caprichos. Sin embargo la misericordia de Dios es para siempre y él escudriña los corazones, y él hará de acuerdo a su justicia y a su perfecta voluntad.
Solo debemos esperar en él, y tener la plena confianza de que obtendremos la victoria porque somos sus Hijos y él no nos desamparará en el día de prueba.

Saludos y muchas bendiciones.