in hive-108514 •  4 years ago 

Life is a challenge, a great challenge that we live day by day where we are influenced by everything that society imposes, where a series of "values" are shared, which today determine our life

In this regard, petit cited by campos (2003) states that: "this freedom understood as the ability of each person to think and govern according to their criteria and not be a slave to anyone ... but it must be a positive freedom, that respects the laws and the norms of society

In this sense, it is worth asking how to achieve that society that claims our time in a world marked by anti-values ​​that has degraded the ethics and morals of our citizens when freedom is considered the most valuable good that human beings can have it means?

There is the freedom that the world professes to have, but what is Christian freedom?


We often watch many people talk about the right to be free, daily we watch at the political social economic level talk about freedom including personal motivation networks reflecting on that freedom where everyone has the right to act as they want and respect their points of view about what they think of freedom.

In this vein, I would like to reflect on what the Bible really teaches us about the true freedom of man.

John 8:36 says: So if the Son sets you free, you will be truly free.

True freedom is a condition of the soul and has a lot to do with the spiritual part, it has a lot to do with faith, convictions and actions that implies respect, responsibility, rights, ethics, morality and much more.
Freedom is a gift from God given to man so that he can live in peace with a full life without ties, a life full of knowledge that helps us choose and walk wisely before the world and society, true freedom is not achieved with studies or titles or wealth is found in Jesus Christ

<Galatians 5: 1
5 Stand, therefore, in the freedom with which Christ has made us free, and do not again be subjected to the yoke of slavery.

Jesus Christ makes us free when we become a new creature and we do not live according to the rudiments of this world but we seek God's direction to determine our actions and thus achieve true freedom
Nowadays, considering ourselves free is a challenge but it is also a great blessing because that freedom leads us to live a full authentic life and leads us to act clearly and specifically in the face of the challenges that life presents us.

That is why the Christian has a great responsibility and commitment to life because we have received that freedom of Christ, the most beautiful gift that Jesus has given us after salvation and certainly this gift of freedom nothing and no one can grant it only Jesus Christ does. to the truly free man
Freedom is not to have the agency to do everything you want to do without subjection or laws, it is a lifestyle coupled with obedience to God and his principles

Christ freed us to live in freedom. Therefore, stand firm and do not submit to the yoke of slavery again.
The world is a slave to sin and for this reason they speak of a "freedom" subject to all kinds of acceptances and anti-values where many people because of that "freedom" complicate their life, family, work, but Christ freed us so that we preserve that freedom. and we live it fully in obedience to his word


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Only by abiding in Jesus are we free, no matter the circumstance. Freedom in Christ is seen in contrast to the slavery of sin. Romans 6: 20-23 says, "When you were slaves to sin, you were free from the rule of righteousness. What fruit did you reap then? Things that now shame you and lead to death! But now that you have been freed from sin and have put themselves at the service of God, they reap the holiness that leads to eternal life. For the wages of sin is death, while the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. "

Being disciples of Jesus means that we have accepted the grace of God that frees us from the chains of sin, becoming new citizens of the light we are no longer slaves by knowing the truth that He has given us. Excellent preaching apostle Darlenys.

Else where freedom is not given. It is always fought for. It is only in CHRIS JESUS that freedom is given to those who by faith acknowledge the finished work and victory over the slave master Satan the devil.
I receive freedom to excel in life through Jesus Christ. .

Bendiciones @darlenys01

Qué buen tema, la libertad es la capacidad del creyente para hacer algo o dejar de hacerlo y sentirse bien, El Hijo nos liberto y ahora somos verdaderamente libre, pero de la esclavitud del pecado, somos perdonados y liberados de culpa.
Pero ahora somos sujetos a Cristo, somos siervos de él, de manera qué le servimos y hacemos su voluntad, no vamos por el mundo creyendo que porque somos de él y porque como la Palabra dice que cuando abundó el pecado sobreabundo la gracia, podemos hacer mal uso de la libertad, somos nuevas criaturas, y tenemos claramente los principios bíblicos que debemos seguir y son muy diferentes a los del mundo no creyente, asumimos un estilo de vida de santidad, con integridad.
Entonces la libertad como dijiste debemos usarla con toda responsabilidad y honrando a Dios en todos nuestros actos.

Bendiciones ☺️