Certainly a humanity devoid of God cannot approve him as the author of his days and unfortunately society becomes an association that walks and does not know where to go
Matthew 5: 9
Blessed are those who seek peace, for they will be called children of God
God is the supreme peacemaker, and his children follow his example seeking obedience through Jesus Christ who with his grace made us his son and through that grace by receiving him as our lord and savior we have entry into his kingdom and obviously that all our lives It changes and we act according to biblical principles and that is where our heart is transformed and we live life different from the currents of this world to honor the only one who deserves all glory and all honor.
Only God deserves that we give all our hearts to him in a sincere way so that we can honor him with life
Jesus Christ is the only way of construction and peace for man, so today society is at one of its highest levels in terms of crisis; everything has turned into chaos and the problems are latent with more force every day; But all of us who have been renewed, who have Jesus Christ in our hearts, have an untouchable hope in our hearts that comes from above without hypocrisy; It is therefore the wisdom that God has given us through his holy spirit that fills us with his truth, peace and good fruits.
James 3:17
But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceful, kind, condescending, full of mercy and good fruits, without hesitation, without hypocrisy.
What about humanity? It happens that a great majority of people act according to the rudiments of this world and the foolishness of this world absorbs them, totally ignoring grace, forgiveness, peace, and the love of God; For this reason, those of us who have Jesus Christ in our hearts suffer more than any of us, and it is not that we do not suffer and we also go through difficult situations; What happens is that we have this promise from God:
John 16:33
33 These things I have spoken to you so that you may have peace in me. In the world you will have affliction; But trust me, I have conquered the world.
This is our hope, it is our consolation because he is our peace, he tells us that obviously we are going to have afflictions but he also warns us "trust, I have conquered the world"
¡God is faithful!