In this life, everything has its reward, each thing has an effect, each cause has its reward, therefore life is cause and effect and according to our actions we agree to a reward, whether for better or for worse.
There are causes or actions in this life that force us to reap fruits; some good others bad, but in the end they are the product of an effect or a cause.
For example, the Bible tells us that God rewards humility and fear of Jehovah and says in the following way:
Proverbs 22: 4
Riches, honor and life
They are the reward of humility and fear of Jehovah.
God rewards your devotion to him because his word affirms that the rewards of humility and the fear of the Lord are riches, honor and life
Three important things that God rewards in humility:
I believe that when God speaks of riches he is not referring only to material things or money specifically, but rather he is referring to spiritual riches.
What does it mean to be spiritually rich? "Everything seems to indicate that it is someone who has an abundance of values related to the well-being of the person. And who has regularly obtained them through effort and dedication. It is a way of life, a generous and charitable attitude towards others"
The biblical meaning of the word honor derives from the Hebrew kabôd which indicates glory. Honoring God and parents, for example, involves praising and appreciating them through obedience, respect, admiration, and retribution. Synonyms of honor are: respect, esteem, glory and admiration
In this sense, when we are humble, God assigns us a fruit of honor to our lives and wherever we are He puts grace in our lives and even our enemies are at peace with us since we are respected, esteemed and admired by many and this is a gift of God for the glory of his name
In the biblical perspective, life in its maximum expression is divine life, the man who properly lives is the one who is united to God, the one who lives according to God ... God created us with a “spiritual need”, which includes the desire to find meaning in life
And when we find life we understand and appreciate what God allows us to live. However, in addition to the spiritual sense, we also have a promise from God when we are humble and it is the promise of life in all its fullness coupled with this great verse that Jesus himself pronounced in favor of the humble
Matthew 5: 3
3 Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
God has promised the kingdom of heaven to the humble to the poor in spirit and this promise will reach us because it is part of the word remuneration that God does not promise to the humble of heart.