Revelation 1:7
Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so, Amen.
One of the most dangerous thing in life is not to have where someone can sleep or relax after a long day of hard work and stress, the feeling of not having a shelter or not having a home is very bad because no place like home but today I won't be talking about our earthly home but our home at heaven. We are on earth just for a while and after sometime we will have to go back home but the question is do you still have a home in heaven?.
So many people have lose their place in heaven and some even argue if it exists or not, some people even say Jesus christ will not come back again. I want you to know that Jesus christ will come again and heaven is real, all eyes will see him when he comes back. Those that will be able to go home with him are those that are loyal to the end and the rest will perish.
When we lose our home on earth here we can still find a way to acquire another one but when lose our house in heaven we are going to hell straight and nothing can change that and that is where we will be for eternity.
The choice is yours, whether to go home or to suffer for eternity and to avoid this suffering is to give your life to christ, accept him as your savior and never go back to sin again and when follow him sincerely you shall not loss the kingdom of God. I pray that God will help in Jesus name.
Thanks for your time.