Just like my mother use to say that if you can’t manage one dollar you might not won’t be able to manage $1 billion because decipline towards money does not come from having huge amount of money.
Most of the problem we have concerning money is psychological problem because I have seen someone that is earning $2000 a month and believe that he can’t survive without spending $100 a day, if you do the math, it is not a wise way to spend money.
After having a deep conversation with people I realize most people that don’t do well with money are people that are careless, people with no plans and some people that are driven by society expectations.
Carelessness: Some people are careless with everything including their money and this is very dangerous you can go from 100 to zero within a day imagine having a Wallet and you are careless with your private key that’s a perfect example of being careless with your money.
Plans: When some people are going through hard times instead of them thinking about what to do when they seize opportunity or what they would do with a certain amount of money if possible they can get it, they should make a perfect plan to achieve their goal but they’ll be thinking about something else they’ll be thinking about how to live large, how to do all sorts of things with the money they never had and without even trying.
Expectations: Some people lose their money because of expectations. Expectations kills and if you are living your life based on peoples expectation you might end up losing everything in life, I understand how people feel when they meet some certain expectations but this feelings won’t last forever.
Money management is one of the most important aspect of life, fingers are not equal they say and we are not opportune to seize same opportunities that is why we must think differently and try to make use of the little money we have in a best way. We must try to make good plans, know very well what we are trying to invest on and never live on people’s expectations. Live your life and do things at your perfect time.
Thanks for your time.