We all love being treated wonderfully when we go to a store or require some kind of service, but it is also convenient to ask ourselves what kind of treatment we are giving other years? Is this how we want to receive? Can someone come to us and receive refreshment, peace or help?
It is good that we analyze it since many times we want to demand what we do not give and in life if we sow pears we will receive pears, if we sow apples, we will receive apples, but we cannot expect something different from what we sow.
Almost always people have a battle inside them that we cannot see on the outside but it does not mean that it is not there, many have repressed suffering, mistreatment in their families or jobs, in short, everyone here in battle with their own problems , that is why courtesy will always be well received from another.
Let's reflect on this and from now on let's be with others as we wish with ourselves, because life is about giving and receiving, loving and being loved, helping and being helped, everything we do today we will see rewarded tomorrow.
Never get tired of doing good, what's more, if you are treated in a bad way, make a difference, be the one who taught that person a courteous, pleasant, kind treatment, reflect the love of God in everything you do.
See is a person that God uses to change the way others think, that through you someone else can learn how people should be treated.