Today's Sowing is Tomorrow's Harvest

in hive-108514 •  3 years ago 

Human beings always worry about tomorrow, what the future will bring them is one of the questions that is never missing in the mind of a person, moreover, there are those who dare to plan it without stopping to think that it does not depend only on us if not also from external factors that can affect any plan we have made.



However, only one thing is for sure, and that is that it depends on our actions, our fruits will be, we know that the bible says that no one is saved by works and it is true, but this should not be an excuse to stay still without doing anything, because also He says that faith without works is dead, so there must be a balance in all this, because a person of faith will always be ready to help.

When we say that what we sow this we will reap, this is what we mean, because what we do today is our sowing and what we will receive in the future will be our harvest. If today, in your present, you propose to sow good things that you have learned, you will be assured that tomorrow you will reap that.

Tomorrow will depend on what you do today, in a certain way your future depends on your present. If you want to have a university profession and do not go to university now, how can you obtain that degree in the future?


Well, this is also the future in our life. Sow good things so that you reap good fruits, what you want to achieve, work it today.

In Galatians 6: 7 we find: “Do not be deceived; God cannot be mocked: for whatever man sows, he will also reap ”. This could be taken as a law of life, but in reality it is the same God speaking to us, preparing us and warning us, so that our swimming is correct and we can enjoy the benefits and promises that he offers to those who obey him.

So we must understand that depending on how we want to live our life in the future we must act now, you cannot go around spreading thorns and then expect to receive roses, if you mistreat someone you will also be mistreated, if you cheat you will be deceived, but if you leave in the I walk good things you will also receive, if you give love you will receive it back, if you help you will be helped, because if people do not do it, God will.

Never forget that everything you do today will pay off tomorrow.

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Nice one

Your topic is about the law of sowing and reaping. It can not be neglected. It agrees with the word of God.

Only the title of this message ministered to me a lot .Thank you very much. God bless you.