Praying in Spirit

in hive-108514 •  4 years ago 

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Romans 8:26; Likewise the Spirit also helps our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself makes intercession for us with groaning which cannot be uttered.

Prayer is a communication with God, through this communication we put our petitions before the Lord, we thank him for all the great things he has done for us and continue to do for us and by so doing we grow closer to him and get to known him better every day.

But the Lord dwells in Spiritual realm, hence we are admonished by the scriptures to worship him in truth and in Spirit, thus it becomes pertinent that when we strive to communicate with him we do it in his realms and in the language he speaks in so he will hear us quicker and come to our aid.

We are made of our Body, Soul and Spirit and are further favored to have the Holy Spirit with us interceding on our behalf and helping us in everything. When go to the throne of Grace, we ought find time for ourselves and our maker, we ought to look deep within ourselves and allow the Holy Spirit to guide us to the heavenly. Praying in the Spirit does not necessarily mean praying in tongues like many believe.

So long as you go to the throne of Grace with all humility, looking deep into yourself and reaching out to the Most High, you pray with your Spirit and the Lord will hear you. So let's learn to pray in the Spirit and leave the bodily and worldly for the Worldly. Have a Nice Time


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Men ought to pray and not cease. There is need to pray in the Spirit cause when we pray in the Spirit we confuse the enemy.