Hi Heartchurch parishioners.. Greeting to you all.
A day ago, i made a publication on the topic Jesus my Crush and in the post we spent a little time together to look into the kind or relationship we are in with Christ off course, we saw that it was like a marriage relationship. Today we are going to be looking at a few things that makes marriage pleasurable and trusted. Meanwhile @Evegrace made a post a day ago about Marriage and i think it will help us understand this subject better. Wives-submit-to-your-husband. Please make out time to read it i know you will like it.
In the last post, i made mention of two things in the post about Marriage.
- Commitment
- Faithfulness
So we will be looking at Commitment
What is Commitment?
Definition has it that commitment is the state or quality of being dedicated to a cause or activity.
An average believer today doesn't understand the concept of commitment, many even feel that once the give their lives to Christ that it is finished but it is not so.
There are a few words that helps us to understand deeply what commitment means so let's look at them:
- dedication
- devotion
- allegiance
- loyalty
- faithfulness
- fidelity
All this words are just to help us understand the depth of the word commitment. Friends there is no marriage without a sense of dedication that will last. Now if i want to add, commitment is an engagement or obligation that restricts freedom of action. If a man is in a relationship with a woman, he is restrained from having any other intimate affair with another woman and vice versa and this is the kind of relationship we are in with Christ. In 1st Corinthians 6:19 Paul talked about our bodies being the temple of the Holy Spirit which is in us. This is to make us understand that we have one primary responsibility so long as this walk is concerned and that is to keep our body for our lover.
It's a commitment to be willing to do whatever it takes to make the marriage work, and that means there are going to be many times when you're just not going to get your way.
Sad enough believers don't want to denial themselves of a few things just to proof their love to God. There is no husband, no wife that can enjoy a marriage they are not willing to let go certain things for. In life you just have to let somethings go some times in order to get a particular thing.
Bible speaking concerning Jesus said that He ignored everything just for the joy that was set before Him. He even ignored the shame of the cross. How much more will we not have to let things go in order to show our commitment to God.
Every time we submit ourselves to be used of the devil to perform his enterprise, we are directly giving our loyalty to him. Now while i was going through @Evegrace post, this line of statement got my attention real hard "You have the power to make your husband have eyes on you only even though they are thousands of women outside."
Please listen to me friends there are many believers out there but just a few can continually and perpetually commands God's attention towards themselves and these are the ones who understands the place of commitment in their relationship with Christ.
In Revelation 3: 16 God told us that He will spew the lukewarm believer out of His mouth for he is neither cold nor hot. The lukewarm are the uncommitted believers.
Few Characteristics of a Lukewarm believer
- They do not believe in the newness of their life even after they have been saved and that is why a lot of them go back to live their old life.
- They fear rejection and that is why they can't share their faith with the people around them.
- They do not understand total surrenderness to God. They allow God control over some certain aspect of their lives.
- Because they think more about their lives here on earth, they have lost focus on eternity and believe that life ends after death and this people are sincere believers.
Friends there is nothing beneficial in living a double life. James said that a double minded person cannot receive anything from God meaning that any believer who is not committed to God would rather believe on men rather than believe on God.