Greetings brothers from the @heartchurch community. Peace be with all!
John 16: 7 "But I tell you the truth: it is to your advantage that I go away; for if I do not go, the Comforter will not come to you; but if I go, I will send him."
Thank you Father for giving us your Holy Spirit, the best company we Christians have.
The Holy Spirit is the third person of the Trinity, a Being with mind, emotions and will.
A good father will always want the best for his children. He gave us his Spirit, so that in his name, he would be our comforter and teach us all things, and remind us of everything that Jesus did and said.
John 14:26 ".
It is the Spirit of God because it proceeds from the Father, and it will bear witness about Jesus. John 15:26 ".
When Jesus was among us physically, he could not be in the heart of every human being, but by dying on that Cross he gave freedom to his spirit so that he could be in each of the people who seek him and have him as their Savior. and Lord of their lives. He is in the heart of every believer.
In Matthew, we can see two promises that Jesus makes to us:
first, to be in the midst of those who gather on his behalf.
(M.20: 18).
and second, to be with each believer until the end of time (M. 28:20).
Without a doubt, these promises would not be possible, if Jesus were among us.
Before Jesus went to heaven he commanded his disciples not to leave Jerusalem, but to wait for the promise of the Father, he told them:
"For John certainly baptized with water, but you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit in not many days.
Acts 1: 5. "
Without the Holy Spirit it is impossible to live the Christian life.
The Holy Spirit is the best gift that God gave us. He is the seal of our salvation, our comforter, and the enabler of his church to carry out his work.
All the disciples finished their purposes in this world thanks to the presence of God in their lives and thus, we will do the same.