As a woman and a mother, I always worry that my children learn the little gestures of generosity. The expression of love can be represented in the intangible as well as in the tangible.

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Generosity leads us to express towards other people a small gesture of love that could well be a handshake or an affectionate smile that reaches the heart of the person. In the same way, when we give someone material help that can be money, clothes, food or another gift without expecting anything in return, we are giving that person a gesture of love that they see as generosity.
Every time I talk about the subject of generosity, the parable of the Good Samaritan comes to mind, which, although it is an expression of great mercy, is also an expression of generosity on the part of that man who cared for the person. who was injured by criminals and threw him to the ground stealing all his belongings.
The generosity of the Good Samaritan, Jesus took him as a good example to teach his disciples love of neighbor.
It is not about the person being religious or pretending to have knowledge of God, it is about evaluating the intimacy of the heart to verify if the love of God is in us to be generous and loving with others.
I share with you the parable of the Good Samaritan so that you can expand on this topic.
30 Jesus replied:
"A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho and fell into the hands of robbers." They took off his clothes, beat him and left, leaving him half dead. 31 It turns out that a priest was walking the same path that, when he saw him, he turned aside and continued on his way. 32 A Levite also came to that place, and when he saw him, he turned aside and went on his way. 33 But a traveling Samaritan approached the man and, seeing him, felt sorry for him. 34 He went ahead, healed his wounds with wine and oil, and bandaged them. Then he mounted him on his own horse, took him to a cabin and looked after him. 35 The next day, he took out two silver coins [c] and gave them to the owner of the cabin. "Take care of it," he said, "and whatever you spend too much, I'll pay you back when I get back." 36 Which of these three do you think turned out to be the neighbor of the one who fell into the hands of the robbers? Luke 10: 30-36